“Walk for Israel” on May 17

Join members of the Greater West Bloomfield Republicans, (GWBR) the Oakland County Young Republicans and others as we “Walk for Israel”. Started ten years ago, the “Walk for Israel”, sponsored by Temple Shir Shalom, has grown in size and prominence by appealing to a broad cross section of the community in the Detroit metropolitan area.   See more details at http:/walkforisrael/.org/.    

The program begins at 11 a.m. followed by a free kosher lunch at 12:30 p.m.  The Walk itself begins at 1:30 p.m.  See the link for details or just look for the GOP float (shown below) as the Walk begins on May 17 at 1:30 p.m. at the corner of Walnut Lake Road and Orchard Lake Road in West Bloomfield.  The 2014 event looked like this https://youtu.be/G60PD1GyxjI.

I hope you can join us this Sunday. Questions? call 313 920 3080 



                   Local Republicans “Walk for Israel” in 2014