During the August 2022 monthly meeting of the 11th Congressional District Republican Committee, the group unanimously voted on the resolution in support of Michigan Representative Matt Maddock. The resolution reads as follows:
Resolution Passes in Support of Representative Matt Maddock
Note: This resolution was one of the final acts of the "old" 11th Congressional District and is shown here for continuity.
Resolution of the 11th Congressional District Republican Committee in Support of Michigan Representative Matt Maddock
Whereas Michigan Representative Matt Maddock is a duly-elected state legislator, having represented the 44th District since 2019, and
Whereas Rep. Maddock is a strong conservative who consistently votes in accordance with Republican Party values and the Republican Party platform, and
Whereas on April 26, 2022, Rep. Maddock was unilaterally removed by House Speaker Jason Wentworth from the House Republican Caucus with NO due process, allegedly for “sharing of confidential information, in violation of caucus rules,” and
Whereas this removal from the GOP Caucus resulted in Rep. Maddock's House website being stripped of all official information, and removal of access to House communications staff and policy analysis, as well as denying access to other means of communication, and
Whereas Rep. Maddock is supporting nine candidates for House and Senate seats in the August 2022 Republican primary, at least three of whom are challenging sitting Republican incumbents, and
Whereas the Michigan Republican Party has a history of opposition to any attempts to primary and/or remove Republican incumbents, and
Whereas many Republican legislators in recent history, Upton, Meijer, Cheney and Kinzinger on the federal level and McBroom, Bizon and Theis on the state level, as well as the fourteen Republican Senators who voted with the Democrats in favor of the “red flag” gun control bill, and Sen. Pat Toomey who couldn't be present to vote with the Dems, but made public his enthusiastic support for the bill, having previously voted with the Democrats in complete disregard for the views of the Republican Party Platform, and having demonstrated a serious need to be challenged and/or voted out of office in upcoming primaries,
Therefore, it is resolved that the Michigan 11th Congressional District Republican Committee hereby affirm its full support for Representative Matt Maddock.