November 2017 Newsletter

In this November newsletter:

  • Notable Announcements
  • A Message from the Chairwoman
  • Annual 14th District Christmas - Hanukkah Holiday Party

  • 14th District Executive Committee member: Don Perry
  • MTR Celebrates Trump’s Election
  • Democrat Representative Lawrence “Votes for Us” in Washington
  • Trending News Links
  • Reminder About Membership

ced3f472-82e7-4707-bb7f-1d8e0a7d666e.jpg In this November newsletter:

  • Notable Announcements
  • A Message from the Chairwoman
  • Annual 14th District Christmas - Hanukkah Holiday Party

  • 14th District Executive Committee member: Don Perry
  • MTR Celebrates Trump’s Election
  • Democrat Representative Lawrence “Votes for Us” in Washington
  • Trending News Links
  • Reminder About Membership

Notable Announcements:

  • November 2:  Oakland County Republican Party Executive Committee meeting (rescheduled meeting date) at Oakland County Commission Room

  • November 2:   Farmington Area Republicans (FAR) meeting at FH Fire Station at 7 p.m. and will feature Bob Young, Candidate for U.S. Senate and former Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice; and Patrick Meyers of StrategyWorks talking about energy issues.

  • November 6:  Michigan Trump Republicans meeting begins at 6 p.m  in Saginaw; see details in article below

  • November 7: Michigan Election Day in many locations; VOTE!

  • November 7: Michigan Trump Republicans meeting begins at 6 p.m. in Hillsdale features 14th District Committeeman Grant Strobl and students from Hillsdale College


  • November 8:  Macomb County Republican Party hosts a Lincoln/Reagan Unity Dinner featuring Steve Bannon; register here

  • November 9: TEDx Detroit returns; click here to register.  

  • November 13: Lakes Area Tea Party, Uptown Grille at 3100 E. West Maple Road at 6:00 p.m. and features a panel (Jim Runestad, John Riley and Adam Di Angelise) to discuss safeguarding students free speech on campus

  • November 14:  14th District Committee meeting featured Senator Patrick Colbeck (R - District 7) and Candidate for Governor; see details below in my letter

  • November 16:  Bloomfield Republican Women's Club meeting at The Heathers features Bob Lutz, long time automotive senior executive, at 11:30 a.m.; advance registration required by calling Linda at 248-505-6270
  • November 20:  Oakland County Young Republicans meeting at 6:30 p.m.  Location and speaker TBD. Call Shawn at 248-978-6120 for details.

  • November 21:  Eastside Republican Club meeting at The War Memorial features Bob Young, Candidate for U.S. Senate and former Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice: more information here

  • November 23: THANKSGIVING

  • November 23:  America’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (

  • November 28:  MEDEFCO meeting at 7 p.m. features Norm Hughes, founder of MICPAC,  on the topic of Convention of States to amend the Constitution; meeting will be at Rose’s Family Dining, 31301 Harper Avenue in St Clair Shores; for info email [email protected]

  • December 14:  14th District Christmas - Hanukkah Partyincluding a Candidate Straw Poll (hold the date and details below)


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A Message from the Chairwoman

Dear 14th District Executive Committee Members, and fellow Republicans;



Michigan remains front and center as we all celebrate President Trump’s one year anniversary. Time surely flies!  Two specific events of celebration caught my attention:


  1. Steve Bannon, who served as CEO of the Trump campaign and then was chief strategist in the White House before his recent departure, is the keynote speaker at the Macomb County Republican’s Unity Dinner on November 8; and

  2. Michigan Trump Republicans are hosting a one year anniversary celebration at Hillsdale College in Hillsdale on November 7, working with student leaders to bring out younger Trump supporters.



Each of these will be an awesome way to celebrate Trump’s election!   



Can you imagine the lack of spirit of this country would have if the most corrupt candidate in history (HRC) had followed the most corrupt President in history (BHO)?  What a difference WE ALL MADE to elect Trump and we should support these excellent celebrations!  

Let’s continue to celebrate President Trump! 




The Macomb County Republican Party is on a roll !  Besides Bannon’s visit next week, Macomb County has had these Republican luminaries appear in recent months, not to mention has raised thousands of dollars in fundraising:


  • Ronna McDaniel, RNC Chair, spoke at a recent Macomb County dinner

  • Vice President Pence recently visited Macomb to support Trump’s tax plan

  • Pence also was the keynote at Macomb’s Lincoln Day dinner in 2016

  • Plus Trump himself visited Macomb County three times during the campaign, including the MASSIVE rally at Freedom Hill just days before the 2016 election



The Macomb County leadership is getting results!  As a reminder, in 2016 Trump defeated Hillary in Macomb by 48,348 votes, while only winning the whole state by about 10,000 votes.  



As we know, Trump did not do so well in Oakland or Wayne counties.  We, in the 14th District, are part of the Republican leadership that others look to for results and we need to deliver Republican results in the 2018 elections.  

We need to ask the people who lead our county parties what THEY are doing to support Trump. The Macomb County Republican leadership has clearly figured this out. Congratulations to Macomb County Leadership - we salute you!



Local elections are a BIG DEAL.  We have several of our own people on the November 7 ballot, notably Marc Corcoran who is running for the Michigan House in District 1.  He and all our candidates deserve our support and vote.  


VOTE ON NOVEMBER 7 -  a few votes can make the difference!



Dates have been set for future 14th District events, so mark your calendar and plan to attend:

  • November 14:  14th CD Meeting with Speaker Senator Patrick Colbeck, Candidate for Governor.

  • December 14:  Annual 14th District Christmas - Hanukkah Holiday Party at the Royal Oak Elks Club beginning at 7 p.m. The planning committee needs volunteers and donations for the silent auction.  Call Carol Foster at 248-961-6016 for information about either topic.  See article below for more information.

  • September 9, 2018:  In what is surely the longest lead time to a 14th District event in history, our 2018 Summer Picnic will be on this date at Windmill Pointe Park in Grosse Pointe Park.  Hold the date and details to follow----next year!

Let’s get serious.  We need a new U.S. Senator to represent us in Washington.  



Please check out Debbie Stabenow’s voting record summarized below.  You literally can not believe what she voted for and voted against !!!  She voted to spend $1 TRILLION more on healthcare and voted to permanently not allow any tax rate reductions for hard working taxpayers.  These votes are not in line with Michigan citizens and she needs to go!



A quick reminder that beginning with our recent October meeting, we will meet on the second Tuesday of each month. This change was made to accommodate other Republican groups.  Mark your calendar going forward!


Next 14th CD Meeting:  Tuesday, November 14 at 6:00 p.m. for dinner/networking

Meeting will begin at 7 p.m.

Featured Speaker - Senator Patrick Colbeck, Candidate for Governor


Meeting location - Kerby Coney Island - Banquet room

25050 Northwestern Highway (at Evergreen & 10 Mile) in Southfield



All Republicans are welcome to attend this open meeting!  Please join us with your ideas, energy and help us grow!  Fill out a Precinct Delegate affidavit while at the meeting - all current delegates’ terms end in August 2018. We all need to run for our delegate seat again.



As we all gather with family and friends on Thanksgiving, remember to give thanks to all the those who protect us, whether it is the local police and first responders or in our AWESOME U.S. Military.  We owe so much to so few.  Many of our fellow citizens have had a very tough few months---from hurricanes to Las Vegas to Niger.  Even with those, we are blessed to live in the greatest nation of all time and we should all pray that it can remain that.  We all can do our small part.





In Service,


Janine Kateff

14th District Chairwoman

Challenging All to Activism!

email - [email protected]

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586 917 6118


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Annual District Christmas - Hanukkah Holiday Party



Annual.  The word has such a solid “ring” to it.  Predictable.  Regular.  Expected.



As many know, before 2015 the 14th Congressional District had very few events or activities and little money, annual or otherwise.  When we started down the road to be more active, nearly every event needed to be labelled “first”.  That would include “first” fund raiser, “first” holiday event, “first” newsletter, etc.  



You get the idea.



So this year it is so sweet to say “annual” Christmas - Hanukkah Party.



Our 2017 annual Christmas- Hanukkah Party will be held on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 7:00 p.m. at the beautiful Royal Oak Elks Club located at 2401 E. 4th Street in Royal Oak.  The Fundraiser Committee, led by Carol Foster (West Bloomfield), has started planning the event so please support the District and be there!  We will have a CANDIDATE STRAW POLL and a “MAKE AMERICA GREAT” theme. Please mark your calendar.  Your help is needed to make this event a success ---- again.  Our prior year events in MexicanTown and in Detroit have set the bar very high.  Learn more information here



More details to follow, but HOLD THE DATE: Thursday, Dec 14, 7:00pm  and watch your email for information!


14th District Executive Committee member: Don Perry



Don Perry is nostalgic about his childhood in North Carolina.


image1 (3).jpeg“We were taught respect for our parents, family, neighbors, friends and teachers, and first responders and our spiritual leaders,”  Perry said.

“We were thankful for what we had; we didn’t covet what others had. We knew that if we wanted something we had to work for it. No one was going to give it to us. We were in charge of our own destiny.”                   


Sounds like good, old-fashioned Republican philosophy and, indeed, Perry became a Republican while in the military, where he served as a military policeman from 1968  to 1976.


“That’s when I started paying attention to the political landscape and realized that I was a conservative,” Perry said.


However, it wasn’t until about five years ago that Perry, now 68, lost his faith in government and decided to get involved with like-minded individuals “to try to recover some of what we had lost".   He is currently in his second term as a precinct delegate.


 “My first term was a learning experience and I learned a lot from some kind and generous leaders in the 14th District who always answered my questions honestly and gave me a lot of their time,” Perry said. “Notable among them are Bill Rauwerdink and Janine Kateff. They gave me pause to think about what I wanted to accomplish.”


 “Specifically, I want our leaders to listen to us, to understand it is government of the people, by the people and for the people, not the special interest groups or the fringe minority special interest groups,” Perry said. “Majority rules.”


While in the military, Perry attended college at night and has a degree in police science. Upon his discharge from the military, Perry worked in the insurance industry for three years.


“In 1977 I got into the cable television industry and found my dream job,” Perry said. “In 1982, I started my own business as a contractor to the cable television industry and have been blessed to still work at my dream job.”


Perry has lived in the West Bloomfield area for about 35 years. He and his wife,  Kay’elen, have been married for 38 years and have three daughters and a son, and six grandchildren.


Perry said 14th District Republicans need to reach out “to other like-minded people and people who feel lost as many of us have, and try to get them involved even on a small scale. Things grow big when you start small.”


Michigan Trump Republicans (MTR) Celebrates Trump’s 2016 Election



Remember that wonderful feeling on the day after November 8, 2016?  



The day that you knew that our country had been saved from electing a corrupt candidate to continue the most corrupt period in the history of the U.S.A. under President #44?  



Remember that feeling?  


We thought you might!  And so have Michigan Trump Republicans.



To celebrate MTR will hold a one year anniversary event near the campus of Hillsdale College.  Speakers will include our own Grant Strobl as National Chair of the Young Americans for Freedom and Scott Hagerstrom, former Michigan Campaign Director for Trump.   A great crowd of pro Trump young conservatives is expected to join in the celebration!



To help turn the Upper Peninsula RED and to help Trump in Lansing, MTR held a meeting in Marquette.  This event was just days before a special election to fill an open Michigan House seat that has been in Democrat hands since the mid 1950s.  With a lot of work, this may be the year for the U.P. to become red!  



MTR is a group of Republican activists who supported Trump during the 2016 election cycle.  After his election, the so-called “resist” movement lead by Democrats literally blocked anything that President Trump proposed. 



MTR works to keep Trump’s Michigan base “engaged” so they and the media see the “resist” movement is not the only voice that voters hear. Those attending an MTR event hear directly from the White House about what is really going on and how to help Trump.



MTR has held events across Michigan including Rochester Hills, Novi (twice), Royal Oak, Muskegon, Howell, White Lake, Hesperia, Lansing, Troy, Highland, Caro, St. Joseph, and Marquette.  Events have between about 100 to over 300 voters attending!   Meetings are high spirited, pro-Trump events packed with information about how to support our President!



A recent MTR event in Grand Rapids needed to be cancelled when Antifa rioters threatened physical violence against the venue owners and their employees, and threatened to damage the building.  Sad.



Owners of several other local businesses, including those in Royal Oak, Novi, and Saginaw, that dared to host an MTR event have had death threats (plural) to themselves and to their employees!  With few exceptions the venues stayed committed.  Local police have been needed at multiple locations.  To date only one arrest is known to have occurred.  Sad.  
Don’t let anyone tell you that the extreme left is “peaceful”.  They are not.  The “never Trumpers” will continue to disrespect and more - our President. 
 Just remember that these people NEVER supported Trump and probably never will.



Stay up to date at MTR’s website




Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow “Votes for Us” in Washington

Michigan will elect a U.S. Senator in 2018.  



Let that sink in.  We have a chance to alter the direction of the USA.



To help educate Michigan voters, the 14th District Monthly newsletter summarizes selected issues on which OUR current Senator actually voted. 


In November 2018, informed citizens will decide if she votes for US or for a Democrat party that is completely out of touch with citizens.  Of course, President Trump already helped us see that the problem is, in fact, out of touch politicians.  After considering her positions, please feel free to call her office at 202-224-4822 to express your thoughts:


  • HB 601 passed 87 to 10 with Stabenow voting (in a predictable move) FOR. This was a vote to end a motion by Senator Rand Paul that would have offset disaster relief funding by cutting unspent foreign aid monies.  Who is against not spending unspent monies in a time of American’s in need?  Never mind.

  • HB 601 passed 72 to 25 with Stabenow voting FOR.  This was a vote to end a motion by Senator Ben Sasse that would have reduced other spending bills so that the legislation would only contain relief spending for victims of Hurricane Harvey.  So the other spending remained.

  • HB 2810 passed 61 to 36 with Stabenow voting FOR.  This was a vote to end an amendment to repeal the authorization to use military force in response to the September 11, 2001 attacks and to end authorization of military force against Iraq (huh?).

  • Senate Motion 201 passed 50 to 47 with Stabenow voting AGAINST.  This was to confirm Noel Francisco as U.S. Solicitor General.  That is the lawyer that represents the U.S. government in arguments before the Supreme Court.  Why would she vote no?

  • Senate Motion 203 passed 49 to 47 with Stabenow voting AGAINST.  This was to confirm William Emanuel for appointment to the National Labor Relations Board.  This Senator is “dug in” as an anti Trump member of the Senate.  Michigan needs a change?

  • Senate Motion 209 passed 52 to 41 with Stabenow voting AGAINST.  This was to confirm Ajit Pai to become a member of the Federal Communications Commission.  Anyone notice a trend in Debbie’s voting?

  • House Concurrent Resolution 71 (Sanders Amendment) failed 47 to 51 with Stabenow voting FOR.  This was to increase spending by $1 TRILLION by increasing taxes on high income earners. So we finally found something Stabenow is for----which is spending for more taxpayer money!!!

  • Wait, there is more!  House Concurrent Resolution 71 (Sanders Amendment) failed 46 to 52 with Stabenow voting FOR.  This was to amend the budget resolution to prevent any future legislation that would cut tax rates for taxpayers.

  • Senate Motion 217 passed 70 to 23 with Stabenow voting AGAINST.  This was to confirm Callista Gingrich as Ambassador to the Vatican.  Ever wonder who, exactly, she is “for”?

Reminder About Membership

Are you a member of the Republican 14th Congressional District?  Member of the Republican Committee? Snail Mail your $25 membership check to Treasurer Chris Konja, 6575 Stonebridge E., West Bloomfield, MI. 48324 (payable to the 14th District).



Or you can become a member or renew your membership online - Your dues and other fundraising activities support Republican candidates and organizations in the 14th Congressional District.

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