Newsletter September 2016

In this September newsletter


Notable Announcements:

  • September 7:  Orchard Lake City Hall at 7 p.m. features a speaker from the Attorney General’s office about telltale signs of scams through phone calls, mail, email and texts, and how to minimize your risk.  Free refreshments, but RSVP to Jennifer at (248) 761-8084.·
  • September 12:   Lakes Area Tea Party meeting features Tony DeMott (FACL) at Tommy's Parthenon on Grand River in Novi (note this is a temporary location change) with dinner at 6 p.m. and program at 7 p.m.
  • September  14:  Justices Viviano and Larsen fundraiser at Shenandoah Country Club from 6 to 8 p.m.;  register by calling Jennifer at 248-761-8084
  • September 15:  14th District Republican Committee meeting at the National Coney at 1812 N. Main, Royal Oak (note change in location) with 6:00 p.m. for dinner and 7:00 p.m. business meeting.
  • September 19:  Oakland County Young Republicans meeting 6:30 p.m. with Trump Campaign State Director Scott Hagerstrom at Black Finn in Royal Oak.
  • September 20: Eastside Republican Club (ERC) meets at 7:30 p.m and features MIGOP Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial.  Details here  
  • September 26: Greater West Bloomfield Republican’s “Presidential Debate” party at Bay Pointe Country Club at 4001 Haggerty Road.  Register here
  • September 27:  MEDEFCO meeting at 7 p.m. features David Coy, national Board Member of the NRA with location TBA.  For details emails [email protected]
  • September 29:  Bill Kristol, editor of Weekly Standard, will speak at the Federalist Society’s annual dinner at the Dearborn Inn.  For details email [email protected].
  • September 29:  Eastside Republican Club (ERC) annual fundraiser dinner at Grosse Pointe Yacht Club at 6 p.m.; details at
  • October 20:  Ron Edwards, national radio host and commentator, about “Why a Republic” at 6:30 p.m. at the American Polish Cultural Center



MIGOP Convention Update


The MIGOP Convention in Grand Rapids provided many updates about the coming General Election in November and lots of interesting political discussion.  Friday night, each of the 14 Congressional Districts elected an Elector who is that District’s representative to the group that will technically elect Donald J. Trump as our next President after he wins in Michigan.   The fourteen, plus two at large Electors, are to be congratulated on taking on this historic position!


On Saturday the assembled Delegates voted to fill several statewide positions on the November ballot.   Many of the spots were uncontested, so not much news to report there.  


However, the races to fill two ballot spots for Wayne State University Board of Governors and two for State Board of Education were contested. After the normal nominating process and speeches in support of the candidates, when the dust cleared, here were the results:

Wayne State University Board of Governors:

  • Dr. Kim Shmina (WSU doctorate in nursing)
  • Dr. Michael Busuito (surgeon)


State Board of Education:

  • Nikki Snyder (Whitmore Lake)
  • Tom McMillin (8th District Chair)


For all the candiates who won at the MIGOP Convention, check out the details here




A Message from the Chairwoman

Dear 14th District Executive Committee Members, and fellow Republicans;


The August 2 Primary led to many new faces among our cast of Precinct Delegates and also in our field of candidates for the General Election in November.  To the latter point, check out our website listing of candidates at to see who moved on from the Primary.  If we are missing Republican candidates who are associated with the 14th District please email me.


Many of the newly elected Precinct Delegates have already been involved in the political process as County Conventions were held statewide on August 11.  Over twenty newly elected 14th Districts PDs participated in the State Convention just wrapped up in Grand Rapids.  Glad that we have so much “new blood” in the District!

JK new pix 5.20.16.jpg

I continue to follow the District #1 Michigan House race as much of the District is in the 14th CD.   We have had our Republican candidate speak with our groups several times, so we all know a bit about Will Broman.   He is campaigning hard for the November election.  His opponent was in the news recently.  Catch that story here  More about Mr. Banks is in the article below in this newsletter.  Do what you can to help Will get elected!


Feeling busy?   I know why!  Look at that amazing list of local events shown above at “notable announcements”.   Every Republican should be able to find one or more events of interest on that list.  I am always amazed at the energy of our volunteers!


And special CONGRATULATIONS for the amazing Trump “flash mob” event completed on August 30.  With 25 (or more) locations around Michigan,  citizens gathered to wave signs and be visible in their support of Donald J Trump for President.   The media attention the event garnered shows how powerful the Trump message can be.  The event sponsor,  Michigan Conservative Coalition, received media coverage from Breitbart News, Drudge Report, CBS and numerous local news outlets around Michigan.   We need much more of this effort to elect Trump!  Check out the second Breitbart article this week at

With so much election buzz in the news, it is sometimes easy to overlook that this weekend (Labor Day) marks the end of summer and, for many, the return of our kids to school.  Enjoy this final holiday of the summer.


Thanks for all you do!


Next 14th CD Meeting:  September 15 at 6:00pm

Meeting location- National Coney at 1812 N. Main, Royal Oak

(note change in location)




All Republicans are welcome to attend this open meeting!  Please join us with your ideas, energy and help to make us grow!


Warmest Regards,

Janine Kateff

14th District Chairwoman


email -  [email protected]

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Why College Recruiting Is Broken


Brenda Lawrence Hit With Eviction Notice From D.C. Apartment

Michigan Democrat Representative Brenda Lawrence (yes, our very Representative for Michigan’s 14th Congressional District) hasn’t been paying the rent on her Washington, D.C. apartment and was served with an eviction lawsuit.


See details here


Conservative news media (do you think the liberal media might mention it?) was tipped off by a neighbor, who noticed the court notice posted to Lawrence’s door August 2. The summons requires her appearance in D.C. Superior Court in early August for a hearing.


That hearing resulted in this decision by the court


Likely she was too busy voting the liberal agenda to remember to pay the rent on her apartment.  See her continued crazy voting below in this newsletter.



Meet Eugene Greenstein, Executive Committee Member

It was a local school controversy back in 2011 that persuaded Eugene Greenstein to become more outspoken about his Republican principles.


Farmington Public Schools closed Eagle Elementary School, located at 32500 Shiawassee St., in West Bloomfield Township,  as of the 2010-11 school year, having previously announced plans to raze the building.  However, in 2011 the public learned of the District’s sale of the building to the Islamic Cultural Association. Some citizens, including Greenstein and another GOP activist, Sue Burnstein-Kahn (also a 14th District Executive Committee member), objected. About 200 of them showed up at a School Board meeting to protest.


(Murray Kahn, Sue’s husband, was later elected to the Farmington Board of Education, but is not seeking re-election this cycle.)


The citizens sought to block the sale in Oakland County Circuit Court. The conservative Thomas More Law Center in Ann Arbor got involved and the  case eventually wended its way to the Michigan Supreme Court, which refused to overturn a Court of Appeals ruling that said residents had no legal standing to challenge the sale.


However, the Islamic group has since sold the site and refocused its attention to property at 12 Mile and Drake. The school building, still standing, is now owned by a Christian dentist in the Arab community who is seeking to redevelop the site.


Greenstein’s involvement in Republican politics has continued. He said he was particularly energized by Mitt Romney’s campaign for president in 2012. He became a percent delegate in 2014 and was just re-elected to that position. In addition to his 14th District involvement, Greenstein also has been active with Farmington Area Republicans.


But his GOP roots go all the way back to the 1960s, when then-President Lyndon Johnson and a Democratic Congress inaugurated the Great Society anti-poverty programs. He saw firsthand what these destructive liberal policies did to inner-city Cleveland, where he father operated a hardware store.


“After that I thought along Republican lines,” Greenstein said.


Greenstein feels Republicans ought to portray themselves less as a party of the rich and more as pragmatic people trying to do the right thing. He said Dinesh D’Souza’s film “Hillary’s America” illustrates the destruction of the country’s moral fabric that lies ahead if things don’t change.


“The other side is good at playing the victim,” he said. Democrats claim to be helping the poor with programs that sound good and feel good, but are not working.


“Democrats run the cities and the cities are falling apart,” Greenstein said. “We need to explain how our policies can benefit everyone.”


A retired Ford Motor Co. and Visteon engineering manager, Greenstein lives in Farmington Hills with his wife, Anne. They have two children, Louise and Mitchell, and two grandchildren.


Greenstein earned a bachelor’s degree from Case Institute of Technology — now Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland — and also holds master’s and Ph.D. degrees in engineering from the same institution.


For six years Greenstein headed the Zionist Organization of America’s Michigan Region, which promotes education, awareness and support for Israel and Jewish causes in communities, schools and colleges. He also works with a group that is rehabilitating the windows at the Model T Museum, located in what was Henry Ford’s first factory at  461 Piquette Ave. in Detroit.  Greenstein also is a model train aficionado.



Broman Campaign Update vs. Mr. Banks


As Will Broman, candidate for Michigan House from District #1, campaigns hard before the November election his opponent has had court dates.  Learn more here


Mr. Brian Banks, already an eight-time convicted felon, now faces three additional felony charges from Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette filed in June 2016.  If you want more background, check it out  here.


No surprise on this topic, either.  Democrat officials, rather than finding this behavior to be an issue, are supporting this candidate, including with donations!  Though the court dates mentioned here may slow down Mr. Banks time to  campaign.  If convicted, door to door campaigning appears to be done for Mr. Banks.


Republicans who really want to help elect candidate Will Broman should contact him here  He needs donations of money and time to win in November.  Check out Will with Wayne Bradley, member of the 14th Executive Committee, here


Lets help Will get this done. The people of District 1 (which includes a portion of Northeast Detroit, Harper Woods, and Grosse Pointe Woods/Shores) deserve better elected representation. Let's help Will get elected.

Democrat Rep. Brenda Lawrence “Votes for Us” in Washington

Your Democratic 14th Congressional District U.S. Representative Brenda Lawrence (the one too busy to pay the rent on her D.C. apartment) has been busy in Washington, D.C.  Here is a recap of several of her recent and shocking votes.   Her role to support the Democrat Party line and not support Michigan values can be seen very clearly.   Her votes often are like this:  think of a logical idea/opinion and then vote the opposite way.  After considering her positions, please feel free to call her office at 202-225-5802.


  • HB 4909 failed 163 to 259 with Lawrence voting FOR.  You know any “for” vote will be fun to read.  This would have removed a prohibition on spending money (a/k/a dollars collected from the people) to close Guantanamo Bay detention center.
  • HB 4974 (Perry Amendment) failed 209 to 216 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This would have prohibited federal funds to be used to carry out any executive order that requires a “project labor agreement”.  Such agreements can require that non-union contractors pay employee union dues, even though such employees are not union members.  Yes, you read this correctly.
  • HB 4974 (Huffman Amendment) passed 265 to 159 with Lawrence voting FOR.  This prohibits the Confederate Battle Flag from flying in any cemetery under the Veterans Administration supervision.   Under the prior rules, such flag could be flown only two (2) days per year.
  • HB 4974 (Fleming Amendment) passed 219 to 202 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This prohibits construction or modification of military bases to house illegal aliens, including unaccompanied minors.
  • HB 5053 passed 240 to 182 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This law prohibits the IRS from requiring that tax-exempt organizations include the names or addresses of their donors.   Lois Lehner might object.
  • HB 5293 (Massie Amendment) failed 198 to 222 with Lawrence voting FOR.   This would prohibit federal funds to be spent to conduct warrantless searches of government databases of U.S. citizens. This amendment would also prohibit the government from mandating that companies include security vulnerabilities in their devices for the purpose of government surveillance.


Strobl Named to Activist 30 under 30 List


Red Alert Politics released its fifth annual “30 under 30” list.  Red Alert Politics is a right-of-center online news and opinion site written for millennials and by millennials. The list named 14th District Executive Committee member Grant Strobl as the only Michigan resident to be winner of its 2016 recognition.


Strobl, who is 20, attends the University of Michigan where he majors in International Studies and Political Science with a minor in German. He is expected to graduate with the class of 2018.  He currently serves on the national Board of Governors of Young American’s for Freedom, a project of Young America’s Foundation. In 2015, Grant was elected to our 14th Executive Committee. He recently attended the Democratic and Republican National Conventions as part of his summer project working with Sean Hannity on Fox News Channel in New York.


Congratulations to Grant for making a difference with young citizens and for being recognized by Red Alert Politics!


News Links of Interest


  1. “This Old House “ comes to Detroit
  2. Rise and Fall of Straight Ticket Voting
  3. Silicon Valley in Michigan
  4. Go Blue!   U of Michigan wins sixth straight competition
  5. Blogging is the new cover letter
  6. The USA becomes more of a renter nation  
  7. Hippie Modernism at Cranbrook Art Museum
  8. Stop the Presses:  Ford has a new cup holder design---really
  9. TEDxDetroit 2.0 is coming soon; learn more here
  10. Seven sales skills that can’t be taught
  11. Homecoming Detroit 2016 announces its lineup
  12. Ninety percent of Michiganders are positive about Detroit

Gentle Reminder About Membership   Are you a member of the Republican 14th CD?  Mail your $25 membership check to Treasurer Chris Konja, 6575 Stonebridge E., West Bloomfield, MI. 48324. Or you can become a member or renew your membership using this link Your dues and our other fundraising activities support Republican candidates and organizations in the 14th Congressional District.