In this October newsletter:
- Notable Announcements
- Local GOP Candidates Look to Make a Difference this November
- Make the 14th CD the Social Media Leader in Michigan
- Ben Franklin Still in the News
- Meet John Chouinard 14th CD Executive Committeeman and Candidate
- Democrat Rep. Brenda Lawrence “Votes for Us” in Washington
- RLC National Convention, October 8-11, New Hampshire
- Do Michigan Republicans want to legalize marijuana?
- Is Chicago the next Detroit?
- Gentle Reminder About Membership
- News Links of Interest
- A Message from the Chairwoman
Notable Announcements:
- October 1: Farmington Area Republicans (FAR) meeting at FH City Hall features Republican National Committeewoman Kathy Berden
- October 8-11: RLC National Convention, New Hampshire (see details below)
- October 10: Second National Day of Protest against Planned Parenthood from 9 - 11 a.m. at the Planned Parenthood location of 29350 Van Dyke Avenue (park at the WalMart north of 12 Mile and Van Dyke). Contact Jim Kaza at [email protected]
- October 13: LATP sponsors Nahren Anweya, Assyrian American Christian Activist and regular on Fox News and numerous other major media outlets who will speak about the refugee crisis of Islamic immigrants. Uptown Grille at 3100 E West Maple Rd, Commerce Township at 7 p.m. No preregistration required.
- October 13 & 15: Concealed Pistol License (CPL) training sponsored by the 14th Congressional District; learn to protect yourself, load & shoot a handgun. Sign up here
- October 15: U of Michigan, YAF (Young Americans for Freedom) screening of the movie “The Honor Diaries” to focus on human rights issues in the Middle East. Pendleton Room of the Michigan Union (6pm).
- October 15: 14th District Republican Committee Meeting featuring Lt. Governor Calley, Jimi’s Restaurant in Royal Oak at 6:00 p.m. dinner & networking, and 7:00 p.m. meeting. 714 S. Washington, Royal Oak.
- October 19: Oakland County Young Republicans meeting with Mike Brownfield, policy advisor and social media guru for Governor Rick Snyder at 7 p.m. at the Black Finn Restaurant in Royal Oak
- October 20: Eastside Republican Club with Judge James Robert Redford, who is chief legal counsel to Governor Rick Snyder, at 7:30 p.m. at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial in Grosse Pointe Farms
- October 28: Greater West Bloomfield Republicans host a Spooktacular Republican Debate Party at Huerto Mexican Restaurant & Tequila Bar, 6199 Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield from 7:00 pm until 11:00 p.m. Register by email to [email protected] at $38/person ($25/ student). Patriotic or candidate costumes are welcome, but optional.
Local GOP Candidates Plan to Make a Difference this November
With much focus on the 2016 Presidential election, we need to also focus on our local elections that happen in November 2015. As of the publication date of this newsletter the following is a list of candidates who have announced for the office indicated. Please connect with them to offer your financial support or help them walk neighborhoods to get out the vote for our Republican candidates!
>Jennifer Oram - Orchard Lake City Council contact her at 248-761-8084 or email at [email protected]
>Aaron Tobin - Mayor in Oak Park contact him at 586-770-3300 or email at [email protected]. Like on Facebook at and check his website at Check out this interview with Aaron
>John Chouinard - Grosse Pointe Park City Council contact him at 586-918-0836 or email at [email protected]. Like John on Facebook at See John’s profile below in this newsletter as he heads for the November 3, 2015 election.
>Cheryl Costantino - Harper Woods City Council contact her at 313-720-4184 or email at [email protected]
>Carl Yauk - Orchard Lake City Council contact him at 248-421-8199or email at [email protected].
>Ken Massey - Mayor in Farmington Hills contact him at 734-834-3156 or email at [email protected]. Like him on or check out his website at
>Richard Lerner - City Council in Farmington Hills contact him at 248-471-4960 or email at [email protected]
>Al Zaparackas - City Council in Farmington Hills contact him at 248-553-0540 or email at [email protected]
Support our great local Republican candidates! Please report any other 14th CD candidates for local elected office in November 2015 to Janine Kateff, Chair, or Glenn Gilbert at ([email protected]) so we can help promote all of our local Republican candidates!.
Make the 14th CD the Social Media Leader in Michigan
Social media drives how many of us and other voters communicate. Your 14th CD has thousands of interested voters who receive this newsletter and other email announcements. We’d love to add more! Have your friends sign in (or do it for them) to the 14th’s website at and register their email address or send email addresses us at [email protected] and we’ll do the rest.
One special area where the 14th could use your help is Facebook. Use this link to “like us” at Facebook is used for almost all of our announcements, as is Twitter at with frequent posts on current topics. One communication goal for the 14th CD is to add new voters to our social media sites between now and election 2016. “Like” us on Facebook now!
Ben Franklin Still in the News
“Some phrases are so familiar they seem to have always existed. Referenced in every imaginable context, they are part of the air we breathe. These pearls of wisdom and many others were made famous by Benjamin Franklin in his 1758 essay known as "The Way to Wealth", first published as a sermon delivered by “Father Abraham” in Poor Richard’s Almanack,” reports Harvard Business Review Associate Editor Julia Hanna.
She continues “Until now, it was believed that an estimated 145 editions in seven languages had been published before the end of the eighteenth century, but … we now know there were over 1,100 appearances of Franklin’s "The Way to Wealth" in at least 26 languages before 1850, making it one of the most widely disseminated economic works in history. Learn more about Franklin’s wisdom and popularity at
Meet John Chouinard 14th CD Executive Committeeman & Candidate
This is the first in a series of profiles about our 14th District Executive Committee leadership.
John Chouinard is about to illustrate how a Republican can navigate his or her way through local politics in an area where Democrats hold an electoral advantage.
The result is likely to be encouraging in the Grosse Pointe Park city council election Nov. 3.
Chouinard is running hard. He has attended and presented his credentials at some 20 block parties, a popular campaigning device in Grosse Pointe Park. He is a regular at the local Farmers’ Market and is planning a mailer to coincide with issuance of absentee ballots.
Chouinard is one of five candidates seeking three positions on the city council. He is backed by Mayor Gregory Theokas and two of the incumbent council members.
Although non-partisan, the city council might occasionally deal with issues where party philosophy comes into play. For example, Chouinard points out Grosse Pointe Park borders the City of Detroit.
One of Chouinard’s rivals, backed by the Grosse Pointe Democratic Club, is an aide to Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan. Chouinard estimates that Democrats have about a 55 percent majority in the Grosse Pointe.
Chouinard’s platform for Grosse Pointe Park may be seen on his website,
Chouinard grew up in Northwest Detroit near the Six Mile and James Couzens area. He moved to Grosse Pointe Park in 1975.
He is certainly a familiar face around town. He is past president of Grosse Pointe Park Jaycees, past treasurer of the Grosse Pointe Park PTO Council, and has been a member of the Grosse Pointe Park Foundation for more than 10 years.
Chouinard holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting and finance from the University of Detroit (now University of Detroit Mercy). He dates his Republican affiliation to his days on campus, “although I always leaned that way.” He attended meetings of both college Democrats and Republicans before deciding on the GOP.
Chouinard said the issues that influence him are the GOP’s stress on individual responsibility, a strong national defense, less government and its pro-life position.
He has served as a precinct delegate for 35 years, at the beginning of which Ronald Reagan became a candidate for president. Chouinard also served on the State Republican Issues Committee and on district Executive Committees for many years. He has been a delegate to the State Convention several times, a National Delegate two times and was the elected Republican elector for the 14th District in 2012. He was chairman of the Eastside Republican Club for two years and treasurer of the 14th District Republican Committee in 2013 and in 2014. What a resume of success!
He ran for Michigan State Senate in 2010 and did reasonably well for the 75-80 percent Democratic district he ran in.
For the 14th District, noting its diversity, Chouinard said he supports Chairwoman Janine Kateff’s emphasis on reaching out to all constituencies.
Chouinard, who started his career with Coopers and Lybrand (now Price Waterhouse), has worked as a financial planner for Mass Mutual since 1978.
He and his wife, Sharon, have four grown children, two sons and two daughters.
Democrat Rep. Brenda Lawrence “Votes for Us” in Washington
Your Democratic 14th Congressional District U.S. Representative Brenda Lawrence has been busy in Washington, D.C. Here is a recap of several of her recent votes. Her role in supporting the Democrat Party line can be seen pretty clearly. Her votes often are like this: think of a logical idea/opinion and then vote the opposite way. After considering her positions, please feel free to call her office at 202-225-5802.
- HR 5 passed 218 to 213 with Lawrence voting AGAINST. This law would fund “No Child Left Behind” with $137 billion and would eliminate certain testing standards (e.g., “Common Core”) and eliminate some federal reporting requirements.
- HR 5 (Salmon Amendment) passed 251 to 178, with (of course) Lawrence voting AGAINST this recognition of personal freedom. The Amendment allows parents to opt out of NCLBs student testing mandate.
- HR 5 (Grayson Amendment) failed 199 to 228 with Lawrence voting FOR. The Amendment would have required the Department of Education to study the effect of school start times on “academic performance, health and well-being” of students.
- HR 1994 passed 256 to 170 with Lawrence voting AGAINST. This bill enhanced the authority of the Department of Veteran Affairs to fire and demote high ranking bureaucrats in the VA Hospital system. The bill also adds protections for “whistleblowers”
RLC National Convention, October 8-11, New Hampshire
The Republican Liberty Caucus national convention will be held in Nashua, N.H. on October 8-11. Learn more here Among the confirmed speakers are Senator Rand Paul (KY), Senator Ted Cruz (TX), Senator Marco Rubio (FL), New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, former HP CEO Carly Fiorina, Michael Steele, The Steele Group & Former Chairman of the RNC, and Grover Norquist, Founder & President Americans for Tax Reform. What a speaker list! In addition to its highly visible presidential straw poll (and obviously dozens of high profile elected officials, speakers and panelists), RLC claims that this event will be its largest convention ever.
Do Michigan Republicans want to legalize marijuana?
With several “long time Republican operatives” in Michigan proposing to legalize marijuana this Detroit News straw vote is interesting. The vote was taken among registered attendees at the Michigan Republican Leadership Conference on Mackinac Island. Results on this topic were:
Perhaps this legalization topic is not a winner among mainstream Michigan Republicans.
Is Chicago the next Detroit?
When Detroit filed for bankruptcy many of the lawyers involved came from Chicago. Now it looks more and more like those same lawyers may need to apply their skills in their home town. Liberal Democrat policies in place for decades have taken Chicago (and Cook County) to the brink of bankruptcy. Does this all sound familiar? More details about the financial crisis in Chicago can be found here
Gentle Reminder About Membership
Are you a member of the Republican 14th CD? Mail your $25 membership check to Treasurer Chris Konja, 6575 Stonebridge E., West Bloomfield, MI. 48324. Funds generated by our dues and our activities support Republican candidates and organizations the 14th CD.
News Links of Interest
- Detroit Homecoming event spurs interest to give back
- Best fall color drive in the whole U.S.A.? Right here in Pure Michigan
- Interested about the history of Detroit that is yet to be re-discovered? Than check out
- One person’s road to discovery that they are a conservative.
- Football helmet built in Detroit is judged by NFL as best
- Eastern Market has new murals as shown here
- Michigan is an up and coming wine region of the world---yes the whole world
- Be happy and follow some of these ideas
- Watch a live video cam focused on the new Wings Stadium construction here
- Four questions successful leaders aren’t afraid to ask themselves
- USA Hockey development team moves to Plymouth
- Global competition for corporate profits is a concern
- Book released about Detroit is getting lots of buzz; check out the summary here
- Drinking vinegar is the latest hot trend and Detroit has its own version featured on the television show “Shark Tank” as shown here
A Message from the Chairwoman
Dear Republicans, Conservatives, Tea Partiers, Libertarians and Moderates;
Welcome back from your summer schedule!
Another eventful month has passed getting us closer to the November 3, 2015 elections for local candidates AND the March 8, 2016 Presidential Primary. Time is flying by!
What will you do to get your favorite GOP candidate elected in November 2015? This is a key election in many local governments. Also what are you doing NOW to get Republicans positioned to win in the November 4, 2016, general election?
I can only imagine how exhausted our local candidates are as they knock on doors everyday hoping to win the support of their constituents. I salute their efforts and willingness to step up and run for office! There is a lot of work yet to do to get to the finish line.
We all want to win the national and state level elections. Who wouldn’t? But on this November 3rd local elections will be held which will directly affect YOU in terms of taxes and local control. Tell your Republican friends and make sure to get out and vote this November!
Local candidates need our support:
- Share their campaign info on your Facebook page and on other social media (e.g., Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat)
- Put their campaign sign on your lawn and on your social media- you will need to ask them for a digital copy of their campaign sign or make your own post
- Invite them to speak at a club meeting in their area or introduce them to your friends
- Include them in your group’s newsletter
- Walk neighborhoods and knock doors with them
- Distribute fliers or make phone calls to likely voters
- Donate to their campaign and, I am sure if you ask, the candidates will have plenty of other things they each need done.
A list of GOP candidates for local office, along with their specific contact data, is provided above in the section “Local GOP Candidates Look to Make a Difference this November.” If you know of other candidates for local office in the 14th CD please bring them to our attention. Let’s help make each of these people a winner in November 2015!
A special shout out to Adam Raezler, the featured speaker at our September 17, meeting. His topic was "The Rubrics for Winning a Presidential Campaign”. Adam focused his presentation on the general election, November 4, 2016, not the current Presidential Primary. We were enlightened and informed on what it will take for a candidate to win the Presidency in 2016.
A thumbnail sketch of what Adam said is:
- Historically, the winning Presidential candidate must win their home state. (Ask yourself, of the 14 candidates, which one can win their home state?)
- The candidate must win at least 5 of the “Bush 8” states, however a new state like Michigan could join the equation, as happened the year Reagan swept the country.
- The "Bush 8" states are South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Indiana, Nevada, Colorado, Ohio and Florida. These states will likely make the electoral vote math = a win.
- Great Presidential election resources can be found at:;
It was a Grand Mackinac Leadership Conference!
A big shout out goes to the MIGOP staff, Ronna Romney McDaniel, Chairwoman, and Jeff Sakwa, Vice Chairman, for an awesome Republican Leadership Convention. This team pulled off a major coup by having six (and the seventh cancelled due to weather delays) of the Presidential candidates appear and speak. This Conference displayed the breadth and depth of the GOP slate of candidates. This is MIGOP’s biggest fundraiser of the year so thanks to all those who attended. I hear it was the largest such conference yet with over 2,200 paying to attend. Whoo Hoo and congratulations!
The 2015 event will likely go down as the best ever Michigan Republican Leadership Conference. Check #MRLC at your favorite social media to catch up on posts from the Island.
While each of the six speakers seeking the office of President was impressive the Detroit News poll indicated that Senator Rand Paul (KY) won its Island straw poll. Check the details here:
The main candidate not at the Leadership Conference was “The Donald” (a/k/a Donald Trump), but he sent over this Youtube link from about twenty five years ago----and it sounds just like him today. Check it out at
I am excited to share that Bill Rauwerdink, of the 14th Executive Committee, was honored at a Mackinac Leadership Conference breakfast as our #1 volunteer in the 14th District. Congratulations Mr. Bill, 14th District Newsletter Coordinator, you are dearly appreciated! Bill has served as precinct delegate, State Committeeman, 14th Executive Committee member and the Greater West Bloomfield Republican board member. Thank you Bill, you are an awesome contributor to the 14th District.
Last but not least and very important… we are offering our first fundraiser for 2015. It is a Concealed Pistol License (CPL) class. The class will be held the evenings of Tuesday Oct 13 & Thursday Oct 15 in Southfield. If you want to get your CPL license (a/k/a concealed carry permit), become safety conscious in your environment, learn safety tips to live by, and learn to load and shoot a handgun, then you won’t want to miss this class. Register here This class will be taught by an excellent and experienced instructor.
Exercise your 2nd Amendment rights, and sign up for this class so that we can raise funds for local candidates! Hats off to Robert Oestreich, 14th CD Executive Committee member, for chairing this first ever event for the District. Questions? Contact Robert at [email protected]
Join us at our next 14th District meeting where Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley will be our featured speaker. Lt. Governor Calley will provide an update on the “Comeback State.” Let’s show him a rousing 14th District welcome with a strong attendance. All we ask is that you RSVP so we can plan appropriately for seating. You are welcome to join us for dinner and networking at 6:00 and the business meeting at 7:00pm. The location will be Jimi’s Restaurant, 714 S. Washington, Royal Oak (which is the center of the 14th District). The “call to meeting” will be out soon, but mark your calendar now.
Warmest Regards,
14th District Chairwoman