In this June newsletter:
A Message from the Chairwoman
- Notable Announcements
- Ben Carson Announces for President in his hometown
- MIGOP Elects Kathy Berden to RNC position
- State Committee Meeting held in Boyne Mountain
- Senator Cruz to Appear in Livingston County
- Two from 14th CD Executive Committee Selected for Elite Candidate Schools
- Pollsters Struggle with large Field of GOP Contenders
- See How Democrat Rep. Brenda Lawrence’s “Votes for Us” in Washington
- Juneteenth and Freedom from Bondage (special report by Christina Barr)
- East side group (MEDEFCO) fighting for American values
- Meet Wayne Bradley: State Committeeman
- Oakland Young Republicans Announce Speaker List
- Gentle Reminder About Membership in the 14th CD
- News Links of Interest
Dear 14th District Executive Committee Members, and fellow Republicans;
May 20 Meeting Recap:
What an effort! Since the new 14th CD Executive Committee leaders and members were elected in February we have made great progress. At our May 20 meeting, we collectively settled two important sets of decisions:
1. We chose six events that the 14th will undertake to raise GOP awareness and funds. We need cash to grow the District, support candidates, and enhance and maintain communications.
2. We chose topics, activities, and messages for newly formed committees that will work to deliver the GOP message to the 14th CD community.
Our new team has “bit off” a big bite of ideas.
Congratulations to those of you who attended the May 20 meeting and remained through the long and stimulating discussion of ideas and possibilities that were collectively generated. Your creative ideas were remarkable, and will become part of who we are and will make a difference. Collectively, we had a flood of positive ideas!
Now that we’ve identified WHAT we want to do in the 14th, the hard part begins. To accomplish what we want done, committee leaders will need to lead and others will need to help them. Without this next step, none of your great ideas will come to life. Implementation will start at the June 18th meeting. Thank you for your involvement and commitment to GOP excellence.
FYI- Press Releases to Date:
The 14th CD Communications team is a resource that all GOP clubs in the 14th should use. As (the 14th District’s still new website) is developed, all press releases will be posted there. This portion of the website is "under construction." However, to date the 14th District Communications team has released seven press releases. Watch for them to appear at the website. However, here is a summary of those releases:
- New Chairwoman Elected in 14th CD and appears on TV2
- Youngest GOP Committeeman, Grant Strobl, elected at age 19
- Prop 1 to be debated at next 14th CD meeting
- Resolution against Prop 1 passed by 14th CD Executive Committee
- 14th Executive Committee members lead Free Speech Fight at U of M
- Jennifer Oram appointed to MPLP campaign school at MSU
- Gina Barr appointed to Yale University Women's Campaign School
Using press releases is an inexact science, but we have had four media story placements as a result of these early efforts. We want the 14th CD to become a recognized source of consistent and reliable information. If your group or club can use a hand with prepping or distributing a press release, let Glenn Gilbert know at this email of [email protected]
Candidate Recruitment:
Three candidates presented themselves to the May 20 audience, with more yet to announce:
- Aaron Tobin, Candidate for Mayor of Oak Park
- Jim Casha, Candidate for 14th Congressional District
- John Chouinard, Candidate for Grosse Pointe City Council
We are off to a start, but there are numerous open positions that still need candidates for 2015 and 2016. Keep up the recruitment discussions with your friends and neighbors!
Notes from the May 2015 State Committee Meeting:
Congratulations to Kathy Berdon our new National Republican Committeewoman!
2016 dates to remember:
- Presidential Primary- March 8, 2016
- Oakland County Convention- March 22, 2016
- MIGOP State Convention April 8 & 9, 2016 – we will elect delegates to attend the NRC to be held in Cleveland, Ohio
- County & State Conventions - August or Sept 2016- to elect Supreme Court nominees, University Boards, and State Board of Education Candidates.
2017 dates to remember:
County & State Convention, Winter 2017- we will elect District Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and the balance of the 25 member 14th District Republican Committee.
Please “like” the NEW 14th District facebook:
Login to the 14th website at:
Follow us on twitter: @14cdrc
Notable Announcements:
- June 3: Farmington Area Republicans (FAR) present Jack McHugh, Senior Analyst at theMackinac Center discusses “Road Repair Plans A thru Z”. Click here for more.
- June 4 thru 6; Freedomworks is sponsoring a series of events around the state called “Empower Michigan” which will present the benefits of the free enterprise system. Locations, dates and times are at:
- June 6: Senator Cruz to appear at Livingston County Lincoln Dinner (see details below)
- June 15: Oakland County Young Republican monthly meeting in Royal Oak [see details below]
- June 16: Eastside Republican Club hosts Lt. Governor Brian Calley. Click here for details.
Next 14th CD Meeting: June 18 at 6:00pm
Meeting location- Jimi’s Restaurant
This is an open meeting for all Republican patriots! Looking forward to seeing you there and helping us to grow!
Warmest Regards,
Janine Kateff
14th District Chairwoman
New Facebook:
586 917 6118
Ben Carson Announces for President in his Hometown
14th District Volunteers Help at Historic Event
In a much anticipated and heavily publicized event, Detroiter Dr. Ben Carson announced the launch of his campaign to become President at a May appearance at the Detroit Center for Performing Arts. The 14th District was asked to provide volunteers to make the event a huge success. Thanks to the following 14th CD volunteers who “answered the call” to help out at this historic event. Our volunteers included: Cheryl Constantino (14th Vice Chair), Max Rohtbart (14th Secretary), Darwin Jiles (MIGOP Vice Chair), Adi Sathi (MIGOP Vice Chair), Antoine Davison, Matt Hauser and Dana Maleszyk
MIGOP State Committee Elects Kathy Berden as RNC Committeewoman
Michigan’s RNC National Committeewoman position became open when Ronna Romney- McDaniel was elected MIGOP Chair. Meeting in Boyne Mountain, the Michigan Republican State Committee elected Kathy Berden of Snover (Sanilac County) as the new RNC Committeewoman. Berden spoke at our April 23rd meeting in Royal Oak, where she outlined her positions. If you have issues to communicate to our RNC representative, connect with Kathy at 810-404-1833 or email at [email protected]..
She joins Dave Agema to complete the RNC Michigan delegation, which includes Romney-McDaniel, who votes in RNC as Chair of the Michigan party.
Berden defeated Mary Whiteford of South Haven in a runoff, after a third candidate State Rep. Cindy Gamrat of Plainwell was eliminated in the first round of voting.
State Committee Meeting Held at Boyne Mountain
Attendance at this State Committee meeting from those elected to represent the 14th District was as follows:
Elected Members Attending: Janine Kateff, Gina Barr, Matt Beer, Wayne Bradley, Matt Schonert
Proxies for this Meeting: Robert Oestrich for Sue Burstein-Kahn and Paul Welday for Donzell Green
Each State Committee member was appointed to a Standing Committee for their two-year term. State Committee Members for the 14th District have the following assignments:
Budget Committee - Donzell Green
Coalitions Committee - Matt Beer
Election Day Operations (EDO) - Janine Kateff
Grassroots Committee - Sue Burstein Kahn
Issues Committee - Gina Barr
Policy Committee - Wayne Bradley
Technology Committee and Vice Chair - Matt Schonert
Tom McMillin's motion to amend the Open Primary Process was tabled on a 10-4 vote in the Policy Committee, leaving the March 8, 2016 Open Primary as is. The Policy Committee did announce that a more closed primary system will be the subject of a study for possible implementation in future elections.
Cruz to Appear at Livingston County Lincoln Day DInner
Livingston County GOP welcomes Presidential contender Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to headline the Livingston County Lincoln Day Dinner on Wednesday June 3rd. The event will be held at the Crystal Gardens Banquet Center in Howell. Tickets are $60 individual, $100 couple, VIP Tickets are $150 individual and $250 couple. Tables of 10 are $500. Program starts at 6:30. VIP Reception starts at 5:30. Email questions to [email protected] or directly order tickets by clicking here. Anyone interested in how Senator Cruz will handle questions from the liberal media might watch this video.
Two Selected for Elite Candidate Training Programs
Among the most competitive application processes in the country is to be selected for one of several high profile candidate training programs. We are extremely pleased to report that the 14th CD Executive Committee has TWO current members who have been selected to attend the 2015 version of these prestigious (and useful) programs:
- Gina Barr, of Pontiac, who is on the 14th Executive Committee, is one of our three State Committeewomen and serves the MIGOP on its Issues Committee has been one of a few selected to attend Yale University’s Women’s Campaign School. Yale promotes this as a “non-partisan, non-issue Campaign School.” Elected officials and women with promising political careers from all over the world apply to this school. One well known graduate is Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), who replaced Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Senate; and
- Jennifer Oram, of West Bloomfield, who also is on the 14th Executive Committee, has been one of a few selected to attend the Michigan Political Leadership Program (MPLP) sponsored by Michigan State University. Last November seven (yes seven) graduates of this Program were elected to the Michigan House and four other graduates now serve in the Michigan Senate. Numerous current state, county and local officials are graduates of this Program. Click here to see a complete list of alumni elected to office.
Congratulations to Jennifer and Gina, who will be headed to a lifetime of elected GOP leadership, enhanced by their completing these outstanding candidate training programs!
Pollsters Struggle with large Field of GOP Presidential Contenders
Anyone feeling sorry for those poor, struggling pollsters? Well, if so, here might be why (click here).
Democrat Rep. Brenda Lawrence “Votes for Us” in Washington
Your Democratic 14th Congressional District U.S. Representative Brenda Lawrence has been busy in Washington, D.C. Here is a recap of several of her recent votes. After considering her positions, please feel free to call her office at 202-225-5802.
- U.S. House Bill 1195 (which Lawrence voted against) required that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) receive input from three advisory groups before proposing any new regulation(s). The three groups would represent small businesses, credit unions, and community banks. CFPB regulates mortgages, student loans, credit cards, and other financial services. The bill also capped CFPB’s budget at $655 million compared with its current budget of $618 million.
- U.S House Bill 36 (which passed 242 to 184 and which Lawrence voted against) would prohibit abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy, with exceptions for a mother’s health or where pregnancy resulted from rape or incest. (See link below in News Links of Interest for more on this Bill.)
Juneteenth and Freedom from Bondage
Introduction: Juneteenth, also known as Juneteenth Independence Day or Emancipation Day, commemorates the announcement of the abolition of slavery in Texas in June 1865 and, more generally, the emancipation declared by President Abraham Lincoln. Celebrated on June 19, the term blends the words June and nineteenth, to create “Junteenth” which is a recognized state holiday or special day of observance in most states (including Michigan). We asked 14th CD Executive Committee member and former GOP candidate for U.S. Congress Christina Barr to offer her thoughts on Juneteenth 2015. See Christina’s thoughts at this link.
East Side Group (MEDEFCO) Fighting for American Values
This is the first in a series profiling groups in the 14th District that support GOP positions.
When he runs into someone who displays dissatisfaction with what’s going on in the political world, John Daniele hands that individual a petition to run for precinct delegate.
That reflects a significant part of the work of MEDEFCO — the Metropolitan Detroit Freedom Coalition.
Coalition members will assist that individual, all the way from obtaining the petition to turning it in. Daniele himself is a precinct delegate from Grosse Pointe Woods.
The group began in 2009 with a demonstration on Tax Day. Daniele, now chairman of the group’s board, began attending in 2010.
He said a significant purpose of the group “is to teach people how to assert themselves.”
MEDEFCO holds monthly educational meetings on the fourth Tuesday of every month, excepting holidays. It meets at the VFW Hall in St Clair Shores on Jefferson and 11 1/2 Mile and the public is always invited.
Past speakers have included Rick Santorum, Michigan conservative activist Norm Hughes, former Congressman Kerry Bentivolio, University of Detroit Mercy Economics Professor Harry Veryser, Pastor Levon Yuille, of the Bible Church in Ypsilanti and State Sen. Jack Brandenburg. Daniele said the group’s best-attended event involved the presentation by economist Dr. David Littman, which attracted about 250 people. Another recent presentation by author and lecturer Trevor Louden, who featured prominently in the documentary “Agenda: Grinding America Down,” attracted about 150 people. Normal attendance is 50 to 100 people.
The group holds special dinner events three to four times per year. Current price is $22 per person at the door. To save money people can purchase a table of eight in advance for $160.
Other leaders of the group besides Daniele are David and Cathy Humphreys, Bruce Fleury, Dennis Greco, Tony Berger and the chaplain, the Rev. Billy Szot.
Daniele said he has been a conservative “from an early age.” His parents were conservative and pointed out liberal biases in news reports as Daniele grew up in the 1960s and 70s.
“The American left is part of an international movement, a Godless philosophy with evil motives,” he said. “After 9/11 I reoriented my thinking to fight evil.”
He said books that have helped shape his thinking include “Atlas Shrugged” and “The Fountainhead,” both written by Ayn Rand, “Bureaucracy” by Ludwig Von Mises, “Liberal Fascism” by Jonah Goldberg, “The Law” by Claude Frédéric Bastiat, “Politics According to the Bible” by Wayne Grudem, and most importantly, the Bible. He said he became a Christian in 1985 and attends Bethel Baptist Church in St. Clair Shores.
According to its, the group advocates “public policy that ensures the protection of all human life, including that of the unborn, liberty, private property, families headed by one man and one woman, reduces the size of government, lowers taxes, minimizes regulation and uses public education to instill a deep appreciation for America and its values.”
Daniele stated that members of the group “almost always vote Republican,” though some voted for Barack Obama in 2008, then became disillusioned as he led the presidency “in directions that didn’t reflect American values.” As of April, the MEDEFCO email list numbered 1,622 people.
Meet Wayne Bradley: State Committeeman
This is the third in a series of profiles about our 14th District state committee members.
Wayne Bradley, the GOP’s State Director of African American Engagement in Michigan. is a Detroit native and Michigan State graduate.
In his current role, he is charged with the task of raising awareness of the Republican Party in urban areas and building coalitions within the community.
Before accepting the job with the Republican National Committee he was the host of the Wayne Bradley Show on 1400 AM and 92.7 FM The Patriot. He had hosted an online show for three years and started
Bradley also created the Urban Conservative League, an organization dedicated to advocating for school choice and private vouchers in Michigan, and working on solutions for Urban America.
A successful real estate broker and entrepreneur, his radio show was created as a way to promote ideas for the better direction of his city and nation, while providing an “Urban Conservative” voice to his political party. Bradley has a large following of over 23,000 followers on Twitter and he has hosted such guests as Gov. Rick Snyder, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette, U.S. Reps. Michelle Bachmann, Allen West, JC Watts, Thaddeus McCotter, Pete Hoekstra, columnist Star Parker and former Michigan GOP Chairman Saul Anuzis.
With his new position through the RNC he looks to spread the GOP message to the urban community and bring more African Americans to the table and to the voting booth for the GOP.
Bradley is married to Courtney Bradley and father to three children, Gabrielle, Madison and Wayne III. You can email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter at Join him on Facebook at
Oakland Young Republicans Announce Speaker List
Oakland County Young Republicans (OCYR) has announced its schedule of upcoming meeting dates and speakers. Continuing the OCYR’s outstanding program are the following:
- June 15 (Monday): Michigan Supreme Court Justice David Viviano
- July 20 (Monday): Senator Marty Knollenberg & Mike Goetz, who has announced he is running for Oakland County Prosecutor
- August 17 (Monday): Kris Anne Hall (Kris is an expert on the U.S. Constitution)
OCYR’s always meet at the Black Finn Restaurant, 530 South Main Street, Royal Oak with networking starting at 6:30 p.m. and the program at 7 p.m. Admission is free and advance registration is not required. For more information contact Jennifer Oram at (248) 761-8084 or email [email protected]
Gentle Reminder About Membership
Are you a member of the Republican 14th CD? Mail your $25 membership check to Treasurer Chris Konja, 6575 Stonebridge E., West Bloomfield, MI. 48324. Funds generated by our dues and our activities support Republican candidates and organizations the 14th CD.
News Links of Interest
- Detroit is America’s Comeback City say these residents.
- “Our” U.S. Representative Lawrence voted against this Bill which limits abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
- Take a quick (and virtual) walk down the Detroit Riverfront and all its news attractions.
- Virgin Atlantic says this is “everything you need to know about Detroit” as it opens a new air route to Detroit. An interesting view of the D.
- Bloomberg visits our Detroit GOP office and reports this.
- This “Stand by Marriage” video presents a view of the current political topic of marriage
- Detroit Athletic Club (DAC) celebrates its 100th anniversary with new display
- Some say that the GOP needs to attract “millenials” which may be a tough thing to do if this is accurate
- Here is a suggested “Michigan Bucket List” of 50 things to do, well, you when.
- NBC News says Detroit is a great place to grow a business here when.
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