January 2018 Newsletter

In this January newsletter

  • Notable Announcements
  • A Message from the Chairwoman
  • January is Membership Renewal Month
  • Dinesh D’Souza to Speak in Michigan
  • Letter to the Editor:  Detroit News Attacks (Again) Trump
  • Special Thanks to our Donors
  • Podcast Project Advances
  • Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow “Votes for Us” in Washington
  • Trending News Links
  • Reminder About Membership

 Notable Announcements

  • January 4:  Farmington Area Republicans (FAR) meeting at FH City Hall at 7 p.m. will feature David A. Dulio who is Professor and Chair of the Political Science Department, and Director of the Center for Civic Engagement at Oakland University
  • January 8: Lakes Area Tea Party meeting features an 11th Congressional District Candidate Forum (with four of the five  announced candidates confirmed) at the Novi Emagine Theater from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
  • January 9:  14th District Republicans meeting with dinner at 6 p.m. at Kerby Coney Island with featured speaker Mary Treder-Lang, EMU Regent and SoS Candidate
  • January 9: Michigan Trump Republicans meeting begins at 6 p.m. at Novi Library (45255 W, Ten Mile Road) and features Speaker of the MI House Tom Leonard
  • January 15:  M.L. King Day Celebration list here  https://www.metroparent.com/daily/family-fun/family-events/mlk-jr-day-events-southeast-michigan/
  • January 17:  Eastside Republican Club meeting at The War Memorial begins at 7:30 p.m. and features University of Michigan Regent Andrew C. Richner and Wayne University Board of Governors member David Nicholson
  • February 2-3:  Battle Cry ‘18 features author/speaker/moviemaker Dinesh D’Souza and much more; learn more below or register here  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/battle-cry-2018-tickets-39944341601


A Message from the Chairwoman

Dear 14th District Executive Committee Members, and fellow Republicans;

Today begins 2018 and we are so blessed to live in the best country on the planet.  Let me be among the first to wish you and your family a HAPPY NEW YEAR!   

Republicans believe 2017 was an awesome year!   President Trump has rolled back federal regulations, slashed our taxes (THANK YOU DONALD!) and has shown the way to restore freedoms reduced over the prior eight years, appointed a supherb Justice to the Supreme Court and the list goes on and on.  We are blessed to live in a GREAT country.

Don’t forget to “remember in November” that not a single Democrat voted to allow taxpayers to keep more of their own hard earned earnings!!  Not one!   We need to tell our friends, coworkers, neighbors that Senator Debbie Stabenow joined with all Democrats who voted NO regarding Trump’s historic tax bill.   Remember in November!

Our 3rd annual Christmas/Hanukkah party was the best yet!  For those who could attend, you know what I mean. 

For those who could not attend, make a New Year Resolution to be there in 2018!!  “Kris & Mike”, our emcees for the night, Kristina Karamo (District activist) and Mike Parr (Southfield) did an excellent job to keep the event moving and did a great job.  The Silent Auction, Card Draw, centerpieces donated the Michigan Democrat Party (yes there is a awesome story here) and your generous bidding allowed us to raise significant funds for the 14th CD to use in the 2018 election cycle.

 Most of all, we need to thank our generous sponsors who allowed this event to be successful.  Our glorious sponsors are:


  • Speaker of the House Tom Leonard, Candidate for Attorney General
  • Dr. Rob Steele, RNC National Committeeman



  • Stan Grot, Candidate for Secretary of State
  • Representative Mike McCready (District 40)
  • Mary Treder-Lang, EMU Regent and Candidate for Secretary of State
  • Sue Burstein Kahn, 14th CD Committee Member

We also had three retail stores that donated!  See a separate story below for details about each and please mention the 14th District when you next shop at these store sponsors: 

Without these amazing sponsors, our event would have never been as successful as it was. Never.  Please thank them whenever you can!

More thanks are in order to the Fundraiser Committee!  The Committee was chaired by Carol Foster (West Bloomfield), with key roles by Cheryl Constantino (Harper Woods) who organized the silent auction, and Terry Poplawski (another District activist) who donated and set up all of the decorations.   Special thanks to Christina Barr (Pontiac) and her sister who sang for us.  WIthout all these volunteers the event would not have been the artistic and financial success that it was.  

Other committee members who worked, contributed and/or donated to the silent auction include Aaron Tobin, Jay & Carol Hackelman, John Danielle, Matt & Tina Seely, and Bill Rauwerdink. Great work TEAM!  

Details of the financial results will be reported at our January meeting, but it safe to say this was the single best fundraiser ever held by the 14th District.  It was a festive way to kick off the Holiday season!

Pictures from this #MAGA event are on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/mi14gop !

After we all get settled in after too much holiday nog, too many football games and are back on our diet we quickly come upon a very significant national holiday.  January 15, 2018 will mark M. L. King Day.  Dr. King’s message of nonviolent protest to achieve some incredibly significant accomplishments might, today, we unwelcome.  Protesters today seem bent on violent intolerance to draw attention to themselves and not to obtain the actual “goals” (which are often unclear to start with).  So take a moment on this day to remember Dr. M.L. King!

The December MRP State Committee meeting was important for the 14th.  One of our State Committee members, Christina Barr, was elected to the position of Vice Chair-Coalitions for the Michigan Republican Party.  This is statewide position, so congratulations to Christina. Her election means that the District now has a vacancy on State Committee because Christina can not serve in both capacities. We will have an election at the January meeting after SOS candidate Mary Treder-Lang  speaks.

Next Regular 14th CD Meeting:  January 9, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. for dinner/networking

All Republicans are welcome to attend!

 Featured Speaker -  Mary Treder-Lang, EMU Regent & Candidate for Secretary of State

 Meeting will begin at 7 p.m.

Meeting location -  Kerby Coney Island - Banquet Room

25050 Northwestern Highway at Evergreen & 10 Mile

Southfield 48075


All Republicans are welcome to attend this open meeting!  Please join us with your ideas, energy and help us grow!

Happy New Year to you and your families,


Janine Kateff

14th District Chairwoman


email - [email protected]

Like our Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/mi14gop

Website - 14cd.com

twitter -  https://twitter.com/

586 917 6118

January is Membership Renewal Month

Are you a member of the Republican 14th Congressional District?  Want to join the 14th District?

Each year we get asked “are your dues paid?”. To help you get this task crossed off your list, we are hosting a membership drive starting now and through February.

You have two options to join or to renew your 2018 membership;

  1. Snail mail your $25 membership check mailed c/o 14th District Treasurer, 2630 Birch Harbor Lane, West Bloomfield, MI. 48324 (checks made payable to the 14th District).

  2. Renew Online  - https://mi14gop.nationbuilder.com/donation.

Your dues and other fundraising activities support Republican candidates and organizations in the 14th Congressional District.


2017 List of Paid Memberships: Ann Capela, Jay Hackelman, Renee Strobl, Barry Berk, Robert Oestreich, William Rauwerdink, Carol Foster, Matt & Tina Seely, Kristina Karamo, Sue Burstein Kahn, Ed Kohl, Cecelia Russell, Terry Poplawski, Marlene Miller, James Klock, Carman Klock, Cheryl Costantino, Ken Chadwell, Don Pevin, Marc Corcoran, John Zupanc, Linda Stulberg, Carol Foster, Janine Kateff, Robert Steele, Irving Ginsberg, and Don Perry.

Dinesh D’Souza to Speak in Michigan on February 2-3

Dinesh D’Souza, nationally known and best selling author, movie maker and frequent commentator on various national media outlets will speak in Michigan in February.  His current #1 best seller book “The Big Lie” is a must read!  Learn more here https://www.dineshdsouza.com/

D’Souza will speak at Battle Cry ’18, an event now in its third year, the largest gathering of conservatives in the midwest, is sponsored by the Michigan Conservative Coalition.  MCC notes that this is also the largest gathering of Michigan’s elected Precinct Delegates, other than at MRP’s statewide conventions.  

This year the Battle Cry theme is “Can You Hear Us Now”.   

Another featured speaker will be grassroots leader and activist Paul Nehlen, who is seeking to unseat Paul Ryan (R - WI).  Nehlen seeks election to be 100% on board with the Trump agenda and help “drain the swamp”. Click here to learn more.

Other speakers will announced for the 2018 program.  To attend this premier gathering of political conservatives in Michigan register here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/battle-cry-2018-tickets-39944341601


Letter to the Editor:  Detroit News Attacks (Again) Trump

Our Republican activists are encouraged to write letters to the editor to keep the conservative voice in the media’s mailbox (if not in their coverage).  To that end, long time activist Ed Kohl wrote this letter to the editor at the Detroit News as he noted (likely not the first time, either) that the News had a slanted view of the our President Trump.  That letter is reproduced below:

To the editor,

Your Trump bashing continues on the news pages rather than the opinion pages where opinions belong and further demeans the integrity of a once great newspaper.

In your November 29 “GOP shoves tax overhaul ahead” article you mention “Corker, who's all but broken with Trump over the president's behavior in office” – what “behavior in office”??

Where were your “Obama’s behavior in office” with his $150B gift to Iran, Benghazi failure, ignored “Red Lines”, immigration failures, etc?

You did not because your agenda is to destroy the Donald Trump administration.

The once great, objective Detroit News has sold its soul and lost its way


Ed Kohl   


Special Thanks to our Donors

Though we thanked all donors earlier to recognize their role in making our Christmas/Hanukkah party such an important success, one type of donor needs extra recognition.  They will get it that recognition here!

All but a handful for donors were candidates who really seek our vote and/or endorsement.  That is awesome to help keep our Republican principles alive in office.  

Our other major type of sponsor was retail entrepreneurs.  They seek our “endorsement” by patronizing their business and by telling our friends to do that, too.   So special recognition to our retail donors!   Remember them when you are in the market for what these supporters sell! Thanks to these special donors:


International Diamond Importers and Jewelry Wholesalers

945 S. Rochester Road, Rochester Hills

248 652 6040


Thank you Owner Arleen Allen

The Lakes Bar & Grille

The Suit Depot

26150 Greenfield, Oak Park

248 200 7484



Podcast Project Advances

The 14th District’s podcast project is taking the needed steps toward launch in 2018.  The podcast will focus on growing the Republican “brand” and will deliver the Republican messages to podcast listeners, who often are often younger voters.  

The working name of “Right On 14th” now has a draft logo which is this:


The podcast series will launch in 2018 as the team clears various technical and legal issues. Congratulations to Mike Parr (Executive Committee member from Southfield) and Kristina Karamo (District activist) for leading this effort.


Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow “Votes for Us” in Washington

Michigan will elect a U.S. Senator in 2018.  

Let that sink in.  We have a chance to alter the direction of the USA.

To help educate Michigan voters, the 14th District Monthly newsletter summarizes selected issues on which OUR current Senator actually voted.  In November 2018, informed citizens will decide if she votes for US or for a Democrat party that is completely out of touch with citizens.  

Of course, President Trump already helped us see that the problem is, in fact, out of touch politicians. Does the word obstruction best describe her “work” for us?  Look at her votes and decide if she is working to advance America or to advance something else!  

After considering her positions, please feel free to call her office at 202-224-4822 to express your thoughts:

  • House Resolution 71 (Wyden Amendment) failed 47 to 52 with Stabenow voting FOR. This was to amend a budget resolution to delete language that would allow Congress to pass tax reform using an easier legislative process that avoids a Senate filibuster.
  • House Resolution 71 (Baldwin Amendment) failed 47 to 51 with Stabenow voting FOR. This was to amend a budget bill to prohibit any tax cut that uses its baseline numbers, if officials say this would increase a deficit or reduce a budget surplus.
  • House Joint Resolution 111 passed 50 to 50 (with Pence breaking a tie vote) with Stabenow voting AGAINST.  This would overturn a CFPB (a/k/a bureaucratic) regulation that mandates companies to write binding arbitration agreements in such a way as to make it easier for lawyers to bring class action lawsuits.  Huh?  Why would she support class action lawsuits?
  • House Resolution 71 (Paul Amendment) failed 33 to 66 with Stabenow voting AGAINST. This was to amend a budget bill to allow Congress to repeal the ACA (a/k/a Obamacare) using an easier legislative process that is not subject to a Senate filibuster.
  • House Resolution 71 (Lee Amendment) failed 49 to 51 with Stabenow voting AGAINST. This would have prohibited the federal government from regulating endangered species that exist entirely in one state and do not cross state lines.  The feds LOVE to regulate things.
  • House Resolution 71 (Heitkamp Amendment) failed 47 to 51 with Stabenow voting FOR. This was to make future legislation more difficult to increase taxes on taxpayers who have an income under $250,000 annually.  Someone needs to pay taxes.
  • Senate Motion 255 passed 55 to 43 with Stabenow voting AGAINST.  This was to confirm Notre Dame law professor Amy Coney Barrett as a judge for the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.
  • Senate Motion 257 passed 60 to 38 with Stabenow voting FOR.  This was to confirm Michigan Supreme Court Judge Joan Larsen as a judge for the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.   Apparently Stabenow needs some votes in Michigan to be re-elected.
  • Senate Motion 261 passed 53 to 43 with Stabenow voting AGAINST.    This was to confirm Stephanos Bibas as a judge for the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.
  • Senate Motion 259 passed 56 to 41 with Stabenow voting AGAINST.  This was to confirm Allison Eid as a judge for the Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.
  • Senate Motion 277 passed 54 to 43 with Stabenow voting AGAINST. This was to confirm Joseph Otting as Comptroller of the Currency.

Reminder About Membership

Are you a member of the Republican 14th Congressional District?  Or want to join us? You have two options to join or renew your membership:

  1. Snail mail your $25 membership check to c/o 14th District, 2630 Birch Harbor Lane, West Bloomfield, MI. 48324 (checks made payable to the 14th District).
  2. Online Renewal  - https://mi14gop.nationbuilder.com/donation.

Your dues and other fundraising activities support Republican candidates and organizations in the 14th Congressional District.

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