December 2017 Newsletter

In this December newsletter

  • Notable Announcements
  • A Message from the Chairwoman
  • Christmas-Hanukkah #MAGA Party
  • 14th District Executive Committee member profile:  Tina Seely
  • Podcast Launch Approved by Executive Committee
  • Democrat Representative Lawrence “Votes for Us” in Washington
  • Battle Cry ‘18 to Feature Dinesh D’Souza
  • Letter to the Editor about the Michigan Science Center
  • Trending News Links
  • Reminder About Membership

In this December newsletter

  • Notable Announcements
  • A Message from the Chairwoman
  • Christmas-Hanukkah #MAGA Party
  • 14th District Executive Committee member profile:  Tina Seely
  • Podcast Launch Approved by Executive Committee
  • Democrat Representative Lawrence “Votes for Us” in Washington
  • Battle Cry ‘18 to Feature Dinesh D’Souza
  • Letter to the Editor about the Michigan Science Center
  • Trending News Links
  • Reminder About Membership

Notable Announcements


  • December 7:  Farmington Area Republicans (FAR) meeting at FH City Hall begins at 7 p.m. and will feature Sandy Pensler - Candidate for U.S. Senate

  • December 9:  Michigan Conservative Coalition “Baby It’s Cold Outside” party held at Sylvan Lake Community Center; click here to register

  • December 13: OCRP Red, White, and Bubbly - Holiday Party at 7 p.m. at the Adams Woods Club; click here to register

  • December 14:  Christmas/Hanukkah #MAGA Party for the 14th District from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Royal Oak Elks Club; click here to register.

  • December 18:  Oakland County Young Republicans Christmas Party at the Community House in Birmingham from 7 p.m.  No charge to attend, but an excellent silent auction will be held.  Cocktail attire.  Sponsorship opportunities available: call Shawn at 248-978-6120 to sponsor or for details.

  • February 2-3:  Battle Cry ‘18 features U.S. House candidate Paul Nehlen and author/speaker/moviemaker Dinesh D’Souza; learn more below or click here to register.


A Message from the Chairwoman

Dear 14th District Executive Committee Members, and fellow Republicans;

I was privileged to attend the recent “Unity Dinner” in Warren that featured Steve Bannon as keynote speaker.  What an event!  Mr. Bannon said he
wanted to be in Michigan on the first anniversary of President Trump’s election.  He could have been anywhere, but he knew that Michigan was critical to Trump’s historic victory.  

So, he came here.  

The whole night was a great celebration!   Where were YOU the moment you first heard that Trump had won?  That will be a day we each will remember for a very long time!

From the special elections that have happened since Trump’s election, it is
very clear that the Democrat party is “energized”.  They are embarrassed by Trump’s resounding victory in 2016.   As Republicans, we need to get energized, too, for 2018.  That was a part of Bannon’s message in Warren.  The “war” to change Washington and “drain the swamp” is far from over.

In the recent elections, we had mixed results.  Mark Corcoran lost his run to be elected to the Michigan House in District #1.  It continues as a heavily Democrat District, so we commend Mark for investing the time and energy to make a run at it.  

We need candidates willing to run, and possibly lose, to help energize our base so they vote in 2018 to elect the next Republican Governor, Attorney General and Secretary of State.

On the other hand, one of our MRP State Committee members--Matt Seely--was elected to a four year term on the Grosse Pointe Shores City Council. Congratulations Matt!

By now you should have received an invitation to our third annual Christmas-Hannukah Party.   Please register and bring some friends or neighbors along!  It will be a fun evening at a great venue.  Learn more in the article below.   

In addition to being a terrific night with like minded Republicans, this event is another fund raiser for the District.  This is the year we will
need all the financial resources we can gather to help elect conservatives locally, to Lansing and to Washington. So please support this worthy cause and celebrate the season and President’s Trump's first year!

Beginning this month, this newsletter will include periodically a "Letter to the Editor" segment.  We begin with a shocking topic.  Our Michigan Science Center has been turned into a Muslim religion support program!  What?  We hope that readers and friends of the 14th District will first write letters to the editor (or in this situation to the facility) and then copy me with those letters.  Topics of general interest to the District will be reproduced.  See the "Letters to the Editor" section below.

We were pleased to have Michigan Senator Patrick Colbeck speak at our November meeting.  He one of four announced candidates for Governor in the 2018 election.  He painted the “bold colors” of his vision for Michigan.  Thanks, Pat,  for taking the time out of your busy schedule to speak to us!

Senator Colbeck at our November meeting

Next Regular 14th CD Meeting:  January 9, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. for dinner/networking

All Republicans are welcome to attend!

Featured Speaker -  Mary Treder-Lang, EMU Regent & Candidate for Secretary of State

Meeting will begin at 7 p.m.

Meeting location -  Kerby Coney Island - Banquet Room

25050 Northwestern Highway at Evergreen & 10 Mile

Southfield 48075


One extra blessing happened on the just passed Thanksgiving Day!   Check out the
first item below in the Trending News Links section.  None other than the New York Times has given Detroit an amazing new label.  Check it out!  My how times have changed in the D.  Give some extra thanks for this change!

All Republicans are welcome to attend our next open monthly meeting!  Please join us with your ideas and energy to help us grow!

Where has 2017 gone?  As we gather with family and friends to remember the
REAL reason for the season, the Kateff family wishes you all the best, happiest and most joyous season!  See you all on the 14th at our Christmas-Hanukkah #MAGA Party!!

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!


Janine Kateff

14th District Chairwoman

email - [email protected]

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twitter -

586 917 6118

Greetings from the Kateff family!

Christmas-Hanukkah #MAGA Party

Celebrate the season and the 1st year of President Trump!

Register, donate or become a sponsor here, right now: CLICK HERE.


The 14th Congressional District annual (third if anyone asks) Christmas/Hannukah Party (a/k/a Make America Great Again Party) with be held December 14 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Royal Oak Elks Club, 2401 E. Fourth Street in Royal Oak.  

The event will feature a
spectacular dinner buffet, music, exciting raffle/auction items and a toast to our 45th President Donald J. Trump. Tickets are $60 per person.  College/student Republicans are welcome at $25 per person.


Events at the #MAGA party will include a Straw Poll, Silent Auction, Cash Bar, fabulous Dinner Buffet.  This may be your first chance to vote for your favorite candidate.

Sponsorships are available at the levels of $100, $200, and $300 as described at the link above or call Janine at 586-917-6118 for details. Donations are also gratefully accepted!

Sponsors for this event as of the date of this newsletter include:


  • Speaker of the House Tom Leonard, Candidate for Attorney General

  • Dr. Rob Steele, RNC National Committeeman



  • Stan Grot, Candidate for Secretary of State

  • Representative Mike McCready (District 40)

  • Mary Treder-Lang, EMU Regent and Candidate for Secretary of State

  • Sue Burstein Kahn, 14th CD Committee Member

Pictures from this #MAGA event will be posted to Facebook at !

14th District Executive Committee member profile:  Tina Seely

Tina Seely grew up as as part of a Democratic family that lived in a sea of Republicans.

“I remember doing a mock election in fifth grade and I was the kid in the room who voted for the Donkey instead of the Elephant,” she said.

“Growing up in Grosse Pointe soon taught me that most of my peers came from Republican households.”

Seely’s  mother and father were both legal immigrants who came to the United States from Greece.  

“They were loyal Democrats, back when that meant the labor party that represented working class Americans,” Seely said.  “Unfortunately, as time went on the full deterioration of the two-party system took place and as a mother of two I wanted many of the things the left was opposing for my children to have socially and economically.”

With the emergence of the Tea Party and Sarah Palin’s vice presidential candidacy in 2008,  “I found myself agreeing in principle with most of the conservative platform. Barack Obama's obvious hatred for the America I grew up in, and my parents immigrated from Europe for, was the final straw.”

Meanwhile, Seely, 52, said the Detroit manufacturing company she and her husband, Matt, owned almost closed its doors due to the impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the federal bailout of banks and the sequester of military spending.

“In 2015 all hope seemed lost as Hillary Clinton looked like she was going to be our next president,” Seely said. “Then by a small miracle Donald Trump announced he was running.  My husband and I decided if we didn't get involved  we would have no one to blame but ourselves if Hillary won.  We became precinct delegates and attended the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. We ran a office in Macomb County to help with Trump's campaign.”

Seely attended Macomb Community College, Carnegie Institute and Wayne State University.  She has  worked in the medical field at Ford Motor Company in customer service and as a realtor, currently managing her company’s properties in Naples, Florida.  

Seely met her husband in In 1990. They started a family and Seely chose to be a stay-at-home mom, “a decision I do not regret.  We now have a daughter, Alexandra, 24, attending the University of Detroit Mercy for dental hygiene and a son, Anthony, 23, who holds a B.A. degree in science from Wayne State. He is applying to medical school and working at Beaumont Hospital.”

Seely said 14th District precinct delegates can best serve the party by recruiting candidates who are true conservatives.  


Podcast Launch Approved by Executive Committee

At its regular November meeting, the Executive Committee approved the launch of a 14th District
podcast, along with the supporting social media work needed to make the podcast a success.  

The podcast will focus on growing the Republican “brand” and will deliver the Republican messages to podcast listeners, who often are often younger voters.  With a working name of “
Right On 14th”, the podcast series will launch this year.  The proposal and presentation to the Committee were led by Mike Parr (Executive Committee member from Southfield) and Kristina Karamo (District activist).

“This is such an exciting concept,” said Parr.  “We are committed to making ‘RIght on 14th’ a source of information and entertainment with a goal of motivating voters.  Kris and I believe a podcast approach will potentially both attract millennial voters and provide useful information to a broader set of the voter population.  With the support of the 14th District Committee, we are certain that we can deliver a terrific podcast series.”

Stay tuned as the 14th District launches this exciting new venture.  Information about how to access the podcasts, topics to be addressed, how to participate in the podcasts and more will be covered in this newsletter.

“As chair of the 14th District, I am thrilled to have such amazing patriots like Kris and Mike on our team,” said Janine Kateff. “
I am confident that no other District in Michigan will have the skills to create the content and the skills to deliver a podcast such as we just approved. In the run up to the 2018 election cycle, this will be another tool we can use to help Republicans win.”

Democrat Rep. Brenda Lawrence “Votes for Us” in Washington

Your Democratic 14th Congressional District U.S. Representative Brenda Lawrence has been busy in Washington, D.C.  Here is a recap of several of her recent and shocking votes.   Her role in supporting the Democrat Party line (which means oppose Trump at all turns) and not to support Michigan values can be seen very clearly.  Her votes often are like this:  think of a logical idea/opinion and then vote the opposite way. After considering her positions, please feel free to call her office at 202-225-5802:

  • HB 3354 (King Amendment) failed 176 to 241 with Lawrence voting AGAINST. This would have prohibited the government from enforcing the “prevailing wage” mandate on Interior Department and EPA construction projects. “Prevailing wage” means paying the union pay scale in the region. (N.B. sign the prevailing wage petition here in Michigan!)

  • HB 3354 (Brooks Amendment) failed 128 to 293 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This would have ended the Amtrak subsidy.  Guess politicians ride trains more than voters.

  • HB 3354 (McClintock Amendment) failed 140 to 280 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This would have reduced funding for small airports by a total of $150 million.

  • HB 3354 (Smith Amendment) passed 225 to 195 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This makes local governments ineligible for certain federal grants if the cities have a policy of refusing to cooperate with federal immigration authorities.   Really, Brenda, what are you thinking?

  • HB 3354 (Grothman Amendment) failed 140 to 280 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This would have reduced HUD spending by 2%. Politicians like spending your money.

  • HB 3354 (Blackburn Amendment) failed 156 to 258 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This would have reducing spending on the departments of Interior, EPA and some related agencies by 1% (yes, one percent).   The politicians can not find 1% of unneeded spending?  Hmm.

  • HB 3354 (Grothman Amendment) failed 131 to 285 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This would have reduced spending on Department of Education, Office of Inspector General and Office of Student Aid by 1% (yes, one percent).  Sad performance.

  • HB 3354 (Buck Amendment) passed 226 to 191 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This mandates that localities that receive funds from the Criminal Alien Assistance Program comply with federal immigration laws.  Seems pretty basic………….

  • HB 3354 (Biggs Amendment) failed 184 to 228 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This would have reduced one part of the EPA’s budget by $10.2 million.  Remember that this agency spends BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars.  $10.2 million cut was “too much”.

  • HB 3354 (Mitchell Amendment) failed 166 to 241 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This would have reduced Treasury Department administrative spending, including some in the IRS, by 10%.

  • HB 3354 (Gohmert Amendment) failed 186 to 223 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This would have reduced spending for the IRS “operations support” by $165,300 (yes that is the exact amount).  Congress can’t even cut this tiny amount of spending.  No way!

Battle Cry ‘18 to Feature Dinesh D’Souza


Battle Cry ’18, sponsored by the Michigan Conservative Coalition, enters its third year recognized as the largest gathering of conservatives in the mid west.  It is also the largest gathering of Michigan’s elected Precinct Delegates, other than the MRP’s statewide conventions. 

This year the Battle Cry theme is “Can You Hear Us Now”. To celebrate its third anniversary, Battle Cry has announced a “yuuge” schedule of speakers.  

Featured will be Dinesh D’Souza the nationally known best selling author, movie maker and frequent commentator on various national media. His current #1 best seller book “The Big Lie” is a must read!  Dinesh’s presentation will be a
keynote to remember. Learn more here

Another featured speaker will be grassroots leader and activist Paul Nehlen, who is seeking to unseat Paul Ryan (R - WI).  Nehlen seeks election to be 100% on board with the Trump agenda and the help “drain the swamp”. Click here to learn more

Other speakers will announced for the 2018 program.  To attend this premier gathering of political conservatives in Michigan register here

Letter to the Editor about the Michigan Science Center

A friend of the 14th District recently visited the Michigan Science Center ( and, as a result, wrote this letter (click here).  Science is lacking.  What was on full display was the left’s political agenda!  In a science center!  As with other aspects of the left’s plans, they focus on corrupting our kids and grandkids.  The letter is reproduced below:



What Happened to “science” at the Michigan Science Center?
As a member of Michigan Science Center, I received a post card invitation to a new exhibit at the Detroit Science Center. It is called “1001 Innovations”. Last Sunday, I decided to take my grandchildren (6 and 9 years old) to see this exhibit and enjoy our afternoon. Our first stop at the Science Center was to see the Imax Theater movie about “beautiful earth”. 
After the movie was over, I sat there for a minute thinking how to undo the unscientific propaganda promoted by US government’s space agency, NASA.
The message in the movie was that man-made global warming is wrecking our environment, there is less and less oxygen available for the children to breathe and less water available for animals and people while the Artic was melting and water in the Colorado River is disappearing. I managed to ease the children’s anxiety by telling them that people are not causing the end of the world and we walked over to visit the “1001 Inventions” exhibit.
I could not explain to the 6 and the 9 year old that all the man-made global warming conclusions were based on computer models and there is very little science to this man made global warming, just politics disguised as science
Next stop was the to see the “1001 Innovations”.  First, we were ushered into to a small theater to see a movie presentation. As the movie unfolded, I was stunned! Stunned as to what I heard as the main message of the movie. It went like this, “while the Europeans were being suffocated under the “dark ages” the Middle East and South East Asia was a boom in scientific innovations under the banner of the Muslim religion. It was clear from the movie and later I checked out the Michigan Science Center web site, that this exhibition was about promotion of a specific religion, Muslim religion. Yes, the movie promoted a “Muslim Civilization Period”. 
The movie leaves no doubt in your mind that Muslim religion was a force for good where scientific inventions flourished under the directions of religious Mosques.
As the children and I moved about this exhibit, I kept thinking “what happened to separation of the church and state”. Michigan Science Center is a public institution receiving public funding. Certainly the schools in Michigan and across the US had to remove any symbols of Christianity, no more Christmas Nativity scenes in school or wearing a cross around your neck.
So, what happened to “science” at the Michigan Science Center? All we got that day was a good dose of liberal politics on man made global warming and promotion of one religion. The shocking question is why is our government promoting one religion over all other religions?
Emily Seward

Reminder About Membership

Are you a member of the Republican 14th Congressional District?  Member of the Republican State Committee? Snail Mail your $25 membership check to 2630 Birch Harbor, West Bloomfield, MI. 48324 (payable to the 14th District).

Or you can become a member or renew your membership online Your dues and other fundraising activities support Republican candidates and organizations in the 14th Congressional District.


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