Dear 14th District Republicans,
I hope you have been enjoying your summer, the election and all the joys that come this time of the year!
Congratulations to re-elected precinct delegates and to our many newly precinct delegates.
We know that because the number of Oakland County delegate slots was decreased by directive of the Oakland County Chairwoman, many of you did not get re-elected.
For those not re-elected, we are not letting you go easily. We still need you to attend our meetings and conventions because we always need your counsel and always need alternates! This is especially true for the County Conventions coming up this week. It is likely that we will need activists to help fill out our allocation of delegates/alternates to attend the MIGOP State Convention on August 26-27 in Grand Rapids.
Please stay engaged with our GOP and stay connected- we have a presidential election to win and more!
We know that because the number of Oakland County delegate slots was decreased by directive of the Oakland County Chairwoman, many of you did not get re-elected.
For those not re-elected, we are not letting you go easily. We still need you to attend our meetings and conventions because we always need your counsel and always need alternates! This is especially true for the County Conventions coming up this week. It is likely that we will need activists to help fill out our allocation of delegates/alternates to attend the MIGOP State Convention on August 26-27 in Grand Rapids.
Please stay engaged with our GOP and stay connected- we have a presidential election to win and more!
Based on comments such as: August Vacations, Woodward Dream Cruise week, and two back to back Conventions, it seems appropriate to CANCEL the August 18 meeting.
Enjoy the rest of your summer and thank you for all you do. See you at the events listed below.
Important Upcoming Dates:
Thursday, August 11, 7:00 p.m. - County Convention (in many locations across the state) - Oakland County - Suburban Showcase, Novi and Wayne County - Grosse Pointe Public Library
Friday, August 26 & 27, 6:30 p.m. - MIGOP State Convention - Grand Rapids, Amway Hotel.
Thursday, September 15, 7:00 p.m. - 14th CD Republican Committee meeting - location TBA (3rd Thursday of the month)
To see Oakland County Election Results click here
To see Wayne County Election Results click here
Warm Regards,
Janine Kateff
14th District Chairwoman
586 917 6118
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