April 2018 Newsletter

In this April newsletter

  • Notable Announcements
  • A Message from the Chairwoman
  • Michigan Jewish Action Council formed
  • Precinct Delegate “Pop & Pizza” dates
  • Democrat Representative Lawrence “Votes for Us” in Washington
  • Letter to the Editor:  Detroit News interview after SOTU
  • 2nd Detroit Children’s Business Fair
  • Trending News Links
  • Reminder About Membership

Notable Announcements


  • April 1:  Happy Easter!
  • April 5:  Farmington Area Republicans (FAR) meeting at FH City Hall at 7 p.m. will feature MI House Speaker Tom Leonard who is candidate for Attorney General
  • April 7:  MiCPAC meeting in Holt features many prominent speakers, including 14th CD Executive Committee member Grant Strobl; learn more and register here  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/micpac2018-michigan-conservative-political-action-conference-tickets-41546421465
  • April 7:  Passover ends
  • April 9:  Lakes Area Tea Party “Pasta & Policy” meeting at Uptown Grille begins at 6 p.m. features complimentary dinner and drinks in cooperation with Americans for Prosperity Foundation speaking about “It’s working: Tax reform”.  Register here afpmipastaandpolicy.eventbrite.com
  • April 10:  Wayne County 11th District Lincoln-Reagan Dinner features Alveda King (M.L. King’s niece); more information and to register go to wayne11th.com
  • April 10: 14th District Committee meeting begins at 6 p.m. at Kerby’s in Southfield and features U.S. Senate candidate Sandy Pensler, Michigan Secretary of State candidates Stan Grot and Joseph Guzman
  • April 13-14:  Michigan Republican Party State Committee meeting at Suburban Showcase in Novi
  • April 12: Bloomfield Republican Women’s Club features Wine & Coffee Tasting event at 6 p.m. learn more here website www.bloomfieldrwc.com
  • April 16:  Michigan Trump Republicans meeting begins at 6 p.m. in Novi and features Speaker of the House Tom Leonard (R - District 93) and candidate for Attorney General; learn more here http://www.michigantrumprepublicans.com/
  • April 16:  Oakland County Young Republicans meeting with Kahryn Riley of the Mackinac Center speaking on juvenile justice begins at 6:30 p.m. at Rosie O’Grady’s in Ferndale
  • April 17:  Eastside Republican Club meeting at War Memorial starts at 7:30 p.m. and features U.S. Senate candidate John James
  • April 21:  Louise Saks Parliamentary Workshop from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to learn about successful meetings; register with Coco here [email protected] or call 248-642-7024
  • April 23:  Wayne County Republican Committee’s Eisenhower Dinner; learn more here http://www.waynecountyrc.org/calendar/gc-1-6chvj6otmt4glrhlt62cm8sl78_201804232145
  • April 28:  Great Lakes National Cemetery “Spring Headstone Cleaning” to Honor and Remember.  Registration begins at 9:45 a.m. Learn more by calling Ted at 810-338-7703 and pre-register at [email protected]
  • May 5:  Detroit Children’s Business Fair;  learn more here http://www.mackinac.org/23161 and in the article below
  • May 6:  SAVE THE DATE: WALK for ISRAEL.  Details in May newsletter
  • May 8:  14th District Committee meeting begins at 6 p.m. at The Elks Club at 2401 E. 4th Street in Royal Oak will feature U.S. Senate candidate John James


A Message from the Chairwoman

Dear 14th District Executive Committee Members, and fellow Republicans;


Happy Easter!  Today is Easter Sunday, the holiest and highest holiday for Christians.   I truly hope you celebrate this special and amazing day with your friends and family. Along with an easter egg hunt we will be enjoying the day with family.


At a recent meeting, our 14th Executive Committee approved a resolution requesting that the Oakland County Republican Party (OCRP) Chair NOT further reduce the number of Precinct Delegates.  Further, the resolution requested that the Oakland County Chair comply with the request of the Michigan Republican Party Chair to increase the number of PDs in 2018.


I am happy to report that on March 18 the Oakland County Chair increased by 108 the number of Precinct Delegates for 2018.  That decision means we have 1,316 open Delegate spots to fill in the Michigan primary election on August 8.   


This decision did not restore the number of Precinct Delegates to the 2016 number.  In 2016 the Oakland County chair slashed the Delegate count by over 500.  That said it is a step in the right direction.  


We’ll need every motivated grassroots Republican to help keep our leadership role in Lansing and D.C.  Let’s get all the Oakland and Wayne County Delegate spots filled with eager and qualified Republicans!


Remember, your notarized Delegate affidavit must be filed with your county clerk by May 8, 4:00pm.


After the horrible Florida high school shooting, the radical group that led the Trump protest that happened immediately after his Inauguration also organized the high school student “walk out” that we all heard so much about.   Many still don’t grasp that this adult group (www.womensmarch.com/enough) effectively used kids to advance their (adult) anti-gun agenda.  


As your Chairwoman, I decided to push back.   


Working with the District’s communication team, a press release was sent suggesting only a few things:  protests can not happen using taxpayer paid time for staff and for materials; and that “boths sides” of the issue should be presented (maybe as an assembly for the entire school).   See the release here http://www.14cd.com/kateff_disagrees_with_march_14_student_walk_out


We got that message across!  In the days before and after the “walk out” I was fortunate to be interviewed on WJR (AM 760) and WWJ (AM 950).  Also the Ann Arbor News and Detroit Free Press did interviews and ran stories. Lastly, the Detroit News did an editorial partially based on my statements.  See some of the coverage here http://www.14cd.com/multimedia.  


Many Committee members and Republican activists offered me their support on this effort.  That support was much appreciated! My efforts were to represent the 14th District and Republican positions in a positive way. Think we hit a home run to support the notion that our kids should not be politicized.  Especially at taxpayer expense!


Many, including me, are frustrated with another “Omnibus Budget” six month budget mess.   What we all need to recall is that Congress initiates and passes approval on spending plans. Sure, President Trump could have vetoed this bill and taken some or all of the “blame” for a government shutdown.   


Or he could accept a bad bill (he even called it that) and move on to work with this mess.  I choose to accept and support all the good things that Trump has done. Make no mistake, Trump understands that this “Omnibus” process is a broken part of the SWAMP.  We all should be tired of the establishment---from each Party----jamming through bad bills. That is the core problem!  Michiganders can help fix this sad situation by retiring Debbie Stabenow!


Our next meeting on April 10 will have a packed agenda.  Among the items we hope to address will be to vote to fill two spots on the 14th Executive Committee.  The open positions were created by the resignation of two Oakland County members (Ben Ohly and Fritz Beiermeister).  These terms would be to fill the remaining portion of Ben and Fritz’s terms.


Next Regular 14th CD Meeting:  April 10, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. for dinner/networking

All Republicans are welcome to attend!

Featured Speakers:


Sandy Pensler - U.S. Senate candidate


Stan Grot and Joe Guzman - Michigan Secretary of State candidates


Meeting will begin at 7 p.m.

Meeting location -  Kerby Coney Island - Banquet Room

25050 Northwestern Highway at Evergreen & 10 Mile

Southfield 48075



Remember in November” that not a single Democrat voted to allow taxpayers to keep more of their own hard earned earnings!!  Not one! We need to remind our friends, coworkers, and neighbors that Senator Debbie Stabenow joined with all Democrats to vote NO to Trump’s historic tax bill. “Remember in November” that your paycheck is larger and 3 million new jobs have been created thanks to President Trump!


Easter blessings to you and your family,

Janine Kateff

14th District Chairwoman


email - [email protected]

Like our Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/mi14gop

Website - 14cd.com

twitter -  https://twitter.com/

586 917 6118

Michigan Jewish Action Council formed


Within the last year, MJAC was formed to advocate for public policies based on America’s founding principles and traditional Jewish thought.  MJAC says it will provide an “honest forum for the facts about American-Jewish issues, including Israel”.


MJAC was formed to address the “growing segment of Jewish voters who have become increasingly disaffected with the far-left, progressive agenda” according information provided by the group.  Learn more at www.mjac.us.  Sayet authored the book “KinderGarden of Eden (How the Liberal Mind Thinks)” which is available here https://www.amazon.com/KinderGarden-Eden-Modern-Liberal-Thinks/dp/1480010421/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1522031683&sr=8-1&keywords=kindergarden+of+eden


A recent fundraiser for Council featured Evan Sayet who addressed how “American hatred and Jew hatred are endemic to modern liberalism”.   The event was attended by several Republicans active in the 14th District and by Executive Committee members Janine Kateff, Carol Foster and Bill Rauwerdink.


Precinct Delegate “Pop & Pizza” dates


Shortly after formation of the 14th’s current Executive Committee in early 2017, our Outreach Committee set as its goal to hold precinct delegate recruitment events.  This was a part of that Committee’s broader goal of growing the Party.


To fulfill that portion of it goals, the Outreach Committee will hold precinct delegate “Pop & Pizza” events as follows:

  • April 24 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Buddy’s Pointe Plaza (at the corner of Mack Avenue and Moross Road) located at 19163 Mack Ave, Grosse Pointe, MI 48236; and   
  • April 26 from  6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Buddy’s Pizza (in Farmington Hills off Northwestern Hwy at Middlebelt) located at 31646 Northwestern Hwy,  Farmington, MI 48334.


Whether you need to submit your affidavit to run for re-election or have a friend/neighbor/co-worker who is interested to become a precinct delegate, attend either of these events.   Forms will be available and 14th District representatives will be there to answer questions.


Remember:  Precinct Delegates will elect candidates to many positions that will appear on the November ballot.  We need all interested conservatives and Republicans to file to get on the August 8 primary ballot for election as a Precinct Delegate.


Democrat Rep. Brenda Lawrence “Votes for Us” in Washington


Your Democratic 14th Congressional District U.S. Representative Brenda Lawrence has been busy in Washington, D.C.  Here is a recap of several of her recent and shocking votes.   Her role in supporting the Democrat Party line, obstructing President Trump and not really looking out for our Michigan values can be seen very clearly here.   


Her votes often are like this:  think of a logical idea/opinion and then vote the opposite way.   After considering her positions, please feel free to call her office at 202-225-5802:


  • HB 1 passed 227 to 205 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This was the House version of the federal tax cut bill.  Yes, this is the bill that slashed taxes for nearly all individuals, small business, and corporations.  Lawrence voted against tax cuts.
  • HB 4712 passed 241 to 183 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This would mandate care for babies still alive after a failed abortion to have the same level of care as other babies, including being admitted to a hospital.  So live babies are to be killed. Hmmm.
  • HB 3441 passed 242 to 181 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This rolls back the Obama effort to unionize all employees of all  franchise businesses. Obama regulations made the owner of a franchise (i.e., the franchisee) a “joint employer” with all other franchisees.  Obama’s rules would have make it easier to unionize all franchise locations (e.g., McDonalds) without actually connecting with the employees being organized at a franchise location.
  • HB 38 passed 231 to 198 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This law mandates reciprocity for concealed-carry permits.  That means a valid permit in one state would be honored in another state.
  • HB 4182 passed 213 to 204 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This law modifies the probationary period to ensure that a qualified employee is hired by the Civil Service System.  Who’d want qualified employees in the government?
  • HB 1 passed 227 to 203 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This was the final version of the massive tax cuts eventually passed by the Trump administration.  So Lawrence got to vote against tax cuts twice.  Sad.
  • HB 1638 passed 289 to 135 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This will require the Treasury Department report to Congress details of funds controlled by Iranian officials.  Who’d want to know about people who chant “Death to America”?
  • Senate Bill 139 passed 256 to 164 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.   This would re-authorize laws to allow warrantless surveillance of foreigners.  This is the law that allows the infamous FISA Court, but does not allow use of any information obtained about citizens without a warrant (unless your name is Trump).
  • HB 620 passed 225 to 192 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This would allow business owners time to address architectural barriers that prevent people with disabilities from work access before the business would  face a civil lawsuit.
  • HB 4607 passed 264 to 143 with Lawrence voting AGAINST.  This would require federal agencies to review their rules every seven years to identify outdated or unnecessary regulations that affect financial services.  The bill also required regulators to look for ways to reduce the burden of any such regulations.


Please note that OUR 14th District member of Congress voted AGAINST each of the proposed bills mentioned above.  All.  No blocking the Trump agenda noticed here.


Letter to the Editor:  Detroit News interview after SOTU

Republican activists are encouraged to write letters to the editor to keep the conservative voice in the medias’ email box (if not in their coverage).  This was not a letter to the editor, but an interview instead.


Immediately after the January 30 SOTU address by President Trump, District Chairwoman Janine was interviewed by The Detroit News.  The resulting article is reproduced at this link  https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2018/01/30/reactions-michiganders-donald-trump-state-union-address/1079117001/


Being interviewed by your local media is not as hard as it may seem.  When you see an article with the authors email address, just send that person a friendly note saying you have thoughts on this or that topic.  You’d be surprised where that might lead!


2nd Detroit Children’s Business Fair


The Detroit Children’s Business Fair is a great way for kids to create a product, develop a business plan, think of a marketing strategy and then actually sell that product to the public-----all in a safe environment.  


The 2nd ever Fair will be May 5, 2018 at The Streets of Old Detroit at the Detroit Historical Museum.  Learn more and to register a child go here http://www.mackinac.org/23161


This event is sponsored by Junior Achievement and Mackinac Center for Public Policy.  Let’s support this next generation of entrepreneurs!


Reminder About Membership

Are you a member of the Republican 14th Congressional District?  Or what to support our efforts? Then Snail Mail your $25 membership check to 14th District at 2630 Birch Harbor Lane, West Bloomfield, MI. 48324 (checks payable to the 14th District).


Or you can become a member or renew your membership online at https://mi14gop.nationbuilder.com/donation. Your dues and other fundraising activities support Republican candidates and organizations in the 14th Congressional District.


Trending News Links

3-D Printed bones  http://technotrends.burrus.com/articles/2018/February/3-D-Printed-Bones.html